Page 42 - 2021 The Millionaire ProFit Equine Online
P. 42
Hip No. Consigned by Brugger Enterprises Hip No.
35 Blue Eyed Nite (AQHA/APHA) 35
January 22, 2020 Sorrel Colt
Colonels Smoking Gun { Colonelfourfreckle
{ Katie Gun
Gunners Special Nite Mifillena
Blue Eyed Nite { Mifs Doll { Sidewanters Doll
AQHA-6009934 Smart Spook { Smart Chic Olena
APHA-1101716 Spooked Out Chex { Sugarplum Spook
2013 Nu Tuf Lil Chex { Nu Chex To Cash
Tuf Lil Cupcake
NOTES: Enrolled in NRBC, NRHA.
$242,724 and 75 AQHA points: NRHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion;
top 10 NRBC Open Derby; Superior Reining. A 2020 & 2021 QData Top 5
Leading Sire of Reining Money-Earners; 2020 & 2021 AQHA Top 5
Leading Sire of Reining Point-Earners; 2021 AQHA Top 10 Sire of Ranch
Riding Point-Earners; a QData Top 10 All-Time Sire of Reining Money-
Earners. Sire of 376 money-earners, $4,629,309.
1st dam
SPOOKED OUT CHEX, by Smart Spook. $36,363 & 8 AQHA points: split 3rd, NRHA
Int. Non-Pro Futurity & top 10 in the Non-Pro; 3rd, Wild Card Challenge Stakes
Non-Pro; top 15, NRBC Non-Pro Derby. Dam of 4 foals, 2 performers--
Late One Nite (f. by Late Night Stopper). $5,742: in 2021, Arizona RHA Best of
the West Futurity Lvl 4 Non-Pro Co-Reserve Champion; split 4th, High Roller
Classic Futurity Lvl 4 Non-Pro.
Call It Voodoo (f. by Shiners Voodoo). NRHA money-earner: top 10, 2021 High
Roller Classic Futurity Lvl 2 Non-Pro.
2nd dam
NU TUF LIL CHEX, by Nu Chex To Cash. $19,632 & 21 AQHA points: 7th,
NRBC Non-Pro Derby; split 3rd, Reining by the Bay Non-Pro Derby; top 15,
NRBC Non-Pro Derby. Dam of performers earning $122,779--
TINSELCHEX (Hollywoodstinseltown). $42,611: split 3rd, NRHA Int. Non-Pro
Derby; Reining by the Bay Non-Pro Derby Champion; Reining by the Bay Non-
Pro Derby Res. Champion; Cactus Classic Non-Pro Derby Res. Champion.
GUNNAFLASHMYCASH (Gunnatrashya). $42,403: top 15, NRHA Non-Pro
Futurity; top 15, NRHA Derby Lvl 3 & 4 Non-Pro; Arizona RHA Mothers Day
Slide Derby Novice Lvl 4 Non-Pro Champion.
SPOOKED OUT CHEX (Smart Spook). Above.
Cashin In Guns (Colonels Smoking Gun). NRHA money-earner & 128 AQHA
points: top 10, AQHA World Show Lvl 3 Amateur Reining; top 10, 2020 AQHYA
World Show Lvl 3 Youth Reining; Open, Amateur & Youth Performance ROM.
3rd dam
Tuf Lil Cupcake, by Tuf N Busy. Dam of--
NU TUF LIL CHEX (Nu Chex To Cash). Above.
NU CASH FOR ROMEO (Nu Chex To Cash). $5,566 & 84 AQHA points: finalist,
NRHA Non-Pro Futurity; 7th, Scottsdale Classic Non-Pro Futurity; Reining by
the Bay Non-Pro Futurity Reserve Champion; Superior Amateur Reining.
Busy Pay Chex (Nu Chex To Cash). $9,535: split 6th, NRHA Limited Non-Pro
Futurity; Rocky Mtn RHA Summer Slide Non-Pro Futurity Champion & Limited
Non-Pro Co-Reserve Champion. svp 10/21