Page 6 - 2021 The Millionaire ProFit Equine Online
P. 6
Alena Rooster ................................. 7,14 Miss Cutter Senbar ............................ 34
Americanextdiamond ......................... 60 Ms Sassy Whiz .................................. 27
ARC Martina ........................................ 5 Platinum Magnum .............................. 38
Blackburns Tailwind ........................... 20 Purr N Cat .......................................... 11
Chic And Boom .................................. 21 Quik Quiz ........................................... 49
Chic Lil Ruby .............................. 4,18,70 Readytoware ............................ 25,68,69
Chics Marcie ...................................... 39 Royal Red Pepto ................................ 47
Chics Miss Snap ................................ 28 Rush N Cat .............................. 24,45,64
Codalicious ........................................ 58 Savannah Blue Rey ........................... 44
CR Guns Fancy ................................. 61 SDP Got Fancy Genes ...................... 65
Desert Rosebud (P) ........................... 23 Senbars Gotta Gun ............................ 42
Dontquestionthischic .......................... 46 She Slides Wright .............................. 33
Dual Cheked ...................................... 16 Shine With Wanda .......................... 1,17
Dun It Doll ..................................... 41,57 Shiners Gotta Whiz ............................ 13
Dun It Whiz Brandy .............................. 9 Shiney Attire ....................................... 19
Dun Wranglin ..................................... 43 Shiney Miss Marker ...................... 30,55
Fairlea Magnolia Gal .......................... 53 Skeets Red Dunit ............................... 52
Gunners Fancy Chic ................ 36,37,66 Slide By Spook .............................. 15,32
Guns R Readdy ................................. 40 Somethingtocrowabout ...................... 12
Indy Star Dun It .................................. 50 Spooked Out Chex ........................ 26,35
Justanother Dun It .............................. 67 Spooks Gotta Lena ............................ 56
Lady Smoke Peppy ....................... 31,59 Spring Dun It ...................................... 63
Lil Peppernic ........................................ 2 Stylish N Smokin ................................ 54
Lourdes .............................................. 62 This Chics Gotta Gun .................... 10,29
Love Em N Lena ................................ 48 Travelin With Sass ............................... 6
Mighty Miss Gee Whiz ....................... 22 Unquestionably Crome ........................ 8
Miss Chilly Chex ................................ 51 Whiz Jewels ......................................... 3