Page 67 - 2021 The Millionaire ProFit Equine Online
P. 67
Hip No. Consigned by Brooke Wharton Hip No.
60 Spooks Gotta Whizkey 60
January 16, 2020 Bay Colt
Spooks Gotta Gun { Grays Starlight
{ Katie Gun
Spooks Gotta Whiz Topsail Whiz
{ Prettywhizprettydoes { Blonde At The Bar
Spooks Gotta Whizkey
5991989 Whizkey N Diamonds { Topsail Whiz
{ Princess In Diamonds
2015 Americasnextgunmodel{ Colonels Smoking Gun
Cee Dun It Do It
NOTES: 5 Panel Genetic Test N/N. Enrolled in NRBC, NRHA..
By SPOOKS GOTTA WHIZ (AQHA/APHA) (2007). $346,715: NRHA Open
Futurity Champion; NRBC Open Derby Champion; NRHA Open Derby
Champion. 2020 #4 Leading Sire of Reining Money-Earners. NRHA Three
Million Dollar Sire Sire of the earners of $3,677,931, including SPOOKS
GOTTA SPARK ($270,659: 2021 Run For The Million Reserve Champion;
4th, Run For The Million Reining Open Inv.), GOTTA TWIST IT UP
($234,341: NRHA Intermediate Non-Pro Futurity Champion), SPOOKY
WHIZ ($186,047: NRHA Open Futurity Champion).
1st dam
AMERICASNEXTDIAMOND (AQHA/APHA), f. by Whizkey N Diamonds. $10,591:
top 10, High Roller Reining Classic Limited Open Futurity; finalist, 2020 NRHA
Open Derby; 2020 NRHA Derby Novice Horse Open Co-Reserve Champion
This is her first foal.
2nd dam
AMERICASNEXTGUNMODEL, by Colonels Smoking Gun. 2020 NRHA #2 Lead-
ing Dam. $290,486: NRHA Open Futurity Champion; 3rd, NRBC Open
Derby; 3rd, NRHA Open Derby; top 10, NRBC Open Derby; High Roller Reining
Classic Open Futurity Champion; finalist, NRHA Open Derby; split 3rd, 2012
NRHA Cowtown Classic Open Futurity; 2012 Equi-Stat Leading All/Age-All/
Divisions money-earner; Leading Open Money-Earner and Leading 3-Year-Old
money-earner. Dam of the earners of $563,218, including--
AMERICAS SUPERMODEL (AQHA/APHA) (Walla Walla Whiz). $232,226 3rd,
NRHA Open Futurity; Congress Open Reining Futurity Champion; 2020 NRBC
Lvl 4 Open Derby Co-Reserve Champion; 2021 NRHA Lvl 4 Open Derby
Reserve Champion.
AMERICASNEXTOPGUN (Walla Walla Whiz). $203,261: 2020 NRBC Lvl 4
Open Derby Champion; split 6th, NRHA Open Futurity. split 6th, NRHA Open
Futurity; 4th, 2021 NRBC Lvl 4 Open Derby.
AMERICAN EXPRESSS (AQHA/APHA) (Walla Walla Whiz). $42,189: finalist,
NRHA Lvl 4 Open Futurity, 8th in the Lvl 3 Open; split 6th, Congress Open
Futurity, 5th in the Lvl 3 Open.
AMERICASNEXTCOVRGIRL (Walla Walla Whiz). $30,852; finalist, 2020 NRHA
Lvl 4 Open Futurity; 2020 VA RHA McGee Farms Lvl 4 Open Futurity Reserve
AMERICAS GUNSLINGER (AQHA/APHA) (Walla Walla Whiz). $25,737: finalist,
NRHA Open & Intermediate Open Futurities; 78 points; Open ROM.
AMERICAS GOT TALENT (Wimpys Little Step). $11,620: money-earner, 2020
NRHA Lvl 4 Open Futurity; 2021 NRBC Reining Lvl 4 Open Green Derby
svp 10/21