Page 73 - 2021 The Millionaire ProFit Equine Online
P. 73
Hip No. Consigned by Gray Leigh Wilson Hip No.
66 Embryo 66
Spooks Gotta Whiz { Spooks Gotta Gun
{ Prettywhizprettydoes
Spooks Gotta Spark Shining Spark
{ Dolittle Lena { Freckled Lena
Colonels Smoking Gun { Colonelfourfreckle
Gunners Fancy Chic { Katie Gun
2011 Chics Marcie { Smart Chic Olena
Lil Marca Pep
NOTES: 5 Panel Negative per Parentage. Due Date 3/26/22
By SPOOKS GOTTA SPARK (2013) $270,659: 2021 Cactus Reining Classic
Run For A Million Open Qualifying Champion; 4th, Run For A Million
Reining Inv. Open; split 6th, NRHA Open Derby; NRBC Reining Derby
Prelims Open Co-Reserve Champion; finalist, NRBC Open Derby; 3rd,
NRBC Lvl 3 Open Derby; top 10, NRBC Limited Open Derby; NRBC
Reining Derby Intermediate Open Prelims Champion; Entry 2021 Run For
The Million. His first foals arrive in 2022.
1st dam
GUNNERS FANCY CHIC, by Colonels Smoking Gun. $11,531: Reining Alberta
Spring Day 2 5/6-Year-Old Open Champion; split 4th, Tulsa Reining Classic
Open Green Futurity; Alberta RHA Silver Slate Summer 4-Year-Old Open
Derby. Her oldest foal is a yearling.
2nd Dam
CHICS MARCIE, Smart Chic Olena. $11,987 and 9 AQHA points: split 3rd, NRHA
Limited Open Futurity and finalist in the Intermediate Open; top 10, All American
Reining Classic Derby Int. Non-Pro and money earner in the Non-Pro. Dam
of 20 foals, 12 performers earning $115,402 including--
MR CHICADUAL (c. by Mister Nicadual). $52,959 and 59.5 AQHA points: finalist
in the NRBC Open, finalist in the Int. Open and top 10 in the Limited Open;
finalist in the NRHA Derby Int. Open and top 10 in the Limited Open; Central
Plains Open Champion; split 7th, NRBC Derby Open Prelims.
NICS FOR CHICS (Mister Nicadual). $23,037 and 23 AQHA points: 6th, NRHA
Futurity Int. Non-Pro and top 10 in the Non-Pro; Stampede Non-Pro Futurity
Champion; top 15, SWST RHA Non-Pro Futurity; Open Performance ROM.
GUNNERS FANCY CHIC (Colonels Smoking Gun). Above
NICADUALS LIL CHIC (Mister Nicadual). 97 AQHA points: 7th, AQHA High
Point Open Ranch Riding Ranch Mare; Superior Ranch Riding.
This Chics Got A Gun (Colonels Smoking Gun). $9,767: High Roller Limited
Open Reserve Champion, 5th in the Limited Open, top 10 in the 4-Year-Old
Int. Open and Lvl 1 Open Champion.
Smart Remi (Reminic N Dun It). $7,109 and 69 AQHA points: Smart Like Juice
Derby Open Champion; split 3rd, Liberty Open Derby; 3rd, AQHA High Point
Select Reining; Open, Amateur & Youth Peformance ROM.
Chics In The Mob (HF Mobster). $5,952: 2021 Best Little Reining in the West
Lvl 4 Open Derby Reserve Champion.
Whizkey And Chics (Whizkey N Diamonds) $1,612: top 10, Mexico
Championship Futurity Open and top 10 in the $50,000 Open.
Marces Lil Derringer (Colonels Smoking Gun). $1,479: 3rd, NC RHA Futurity
Limited Non-Pro and 6th in the Int. Non-Pro. svp 10/21