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Our Mission: The Well Community provides hope and healing to adults living with mental illnesses through healthy relationships, essential services and meaningful work.
Challenges We Address: The number of individuals requiring mental health services continues to rise in Dallas, outpacing increases in funding for these services. As a result many individuals do not receive the care they need and find themselves hopeless because mental illness creates stigma, isolation, and loneliness.
How we Address the Challenges: The Well Community cares for and serves those with the profound physical, emotional and spiritual needs that are so prevalent when dealing with mental illnesses.
We want to celebrate the support from your organization as a vote of your confidence in the Well, and we believe doing so will inspire other supporters as well.
We will share success stories highlighting you or your organization and your involvement with the Well. The stories will be amplified via social media, our monthly e-newsletter to donors, parents and Dallas-area constituents who follow the Well Community. We are excited to tell your story, how we work together to make an impact, and how meaningful partnerships like yours are in helping the Well Community help our neighbors.
Volunteer Opportunities can include -
Serving a meal to our members on Thursday Help organize and package nutritional, hygiene
and outreach items
Help with Community Life Lunches
For additional information please contact Alice Zaccarello at or call (214)-393-5878. Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to seeing you at the event.

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