Page 6 - Well Community Sponsor Packet
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OUR MISSION: The Well Community provides hope and stability to adults living with mental illnesses through healthy relationships, essential services and meaningful activities.
THE CHALLENGE WE ADDRESS: The number of individuals requiring mental health treatment in Dallas, Texas has increased, while funding for mental health services only modestly increased.
HOW WE ADDRESS THE CHALLENGE: The Well Community cares for and serves those with the profound physical, emotional and spiritual needs that are so prevalent when dealing with mental health disorders.
We want to celebrate the support from you or your business/organization as
a vote of your confidence in the Well, and we believe doing so will inspire other supporters. For the top three sponsorship levels, we will tell stories of success, highlighting you or your organization and your involvement with the Well. The stories will be told through social media and in our monthly e-newsletter to donors and friends who follow the Well Community. We are excited to tell
your story, how we will work together to effect change and what meaningful partnerships do to help the Well Community help our neighbors.
• Serve a meal to our members at Thursday Night Life
• Help organize and package nutritional, hygiene and outreach items • Help with Community Life lunches (Monday-Wednesday)
For additional information please visit or contact Alice Zaccarello by phone at (214) 393-5878 ext. 604 or
by email at
Thank you for your consideration, and
we look forward to seeing you at the event.
Click here for more event information
Well Community | 125 Sunset Ave. Dallas, TX 75208 | 214-393-5878 | Donations made to Well Community EIN 74-3071281 are tax-deductible to the extent the law allows.

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