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        Luminex provides a full range of benefits that address your   DEPENDENT ELIGIBILITY
        needs now and in the future.
                                                               You can enroll your dependents in plans that offer dependent
        TO YOUR                  TO YOUR                       coverage. Eligible dependents are defined as your legal spouse
        HEALTH                   WEALTH                        and eligible children who reside in your household and depend
                                                               primarily on you for support. This includes: your own children,
                                                               legally adopted children, stepchildren, a child for whom you
        •  Medical Insurance     •  Life and Disability Insurance
                                                               have been appointed legal guardian, and/or a child for whom
        •  Prescription Drug Benefits  •  Financial Advocate   the court has issued a Qualified Medical Child Support Order
        •  Critical Illness Insurance  •  Long-Term Disability Insurance  (QMCSO) requiring you or your spouse to provide coverage.
        •  Dental Insurance      •  Accident Insurance
        •  Vision Insurance      •  401(k) Retirement Savings Plan  CONTROLLING HEALTH CARE
        ENROLLMENT INFORMATION                                 The rising cost of health insurance is a concern for all of us.

        Do I Need to Enroll?                                   Keeping costs to a minimum contributes to lower premiums in
                                                               future years. To combat higher premiums, Luminex is introducing
        Before enrolling in the 2019 health and group benefits, please   a spousal surcharge and a tobacco surcharge.
        take a close look at all the benefits and options Luminex offers
        you.                                                   •  If you elect medical coverage for your spouse, you will be
                                                                  paying a spousal surcharge of $100 per month. This will
        For instance, you may experience changes from year to year.   impact employee premiums for both the employee + spouse
        And there likely will be changes to what you pay for coverage   and family tiers outlined on page 3.
        each year. So, it’s a good idea to make sure your benefits still
        fit you—and that you’re not paying for more coverage than you   •  During your open enrollment session, you will be required to
        need.                                                     identify if you are a tobacco user. If you are a tobacco user
                                                                  you will pay a monthly surcharge of $50 when enrolling in any
        You must enroll if you want to:                           medical plan.
        •  Keep or change your medical, dental, or vision coverage for   Here are some additional tips on how you can help lower the
          next year.                                           cost of health insurance:
        •  Continue to or begin contributing to the Health Care and/or   •  Use network providers. You will receive a higher level of
          Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs).       benefits if you use providers who participate in the network.
        •  Change your optional employee life insurance, spouse life   •  Request generic rather than brand name prescription drugs.
          insurance, supplemental life insurance, accidental death and   Generic medications, while just as effective, are considerably
          dismemberment (AD&D) insurance, or short-term disability   less expensive.
          insurance choices.                                   •  Consider seeing your family physician rather than a specialist.
        If you don’t enroll your coverage will be waived or cancelled. To   Family physicians can often provide the same level of care for
        enroll, visit between November 12th -   a variety of illnesses and conditions.
        November 26th.                                         •   Exercise and maintain a proper diet. The healthier you are the
                                                                  less vulnerable you are to disease, reducing doctor’s visits and
        WHEN CAN I ENROLL?                                        prescription medicines.

        As a benefits-eligible employee, you have the opportunity to   •  Utilize Health Advocate to navigate through the health care
        enroll in or make changes to your benefit plans during our   system.
        annual benefits enrollment period. Annual Open Enrollment   •  Take advantage of Anthem programs including: Future Moms,
        is November 12th - November 26th with your benefit choices   Live Health Online, 24/7 Nurse Line, Condition Care and Case
        being effective January 1, 2019. Our benefits plan year runs   Management.
        from January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019.              •  Leverage tax advantaged Health Savings Account (HSA) and
        If you’re enrolling as a new employee, you become eligible   Flexible Spending Account (FSA) funds to help offset out-of-
        for benefits the first day of the month following 30 days of   pocket costs.
        employment and must enroll within 30 days of eligibility to   If we become more aware consumers, we can each do our part
        have coverage for the rest of the plan year. You will also need   to lower the cost of health care! Visit the UltiPro homepage
        to enroll for the next plan year’s benefits during the annual   or contact your local Human Resources office for additional
        enrollment period.                                     information on any of the above mentioned tips.
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