Page 26 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW special edition
P. 26

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                   2 6


          Next litter. Born March 12, 1905. Father Ch. Sidi Sjeig, Mother Zohra. Breeder Mr.
          Verver. 40.

          40. Oeargla

          Oeargla (a city). She was owned by Mr. Camman, the secretary of the Sloegi Club in those
          On June 22, 1908, she gave birth to a litter of 6 bitches and 2 dogs, father was Ceyad.

          June 10, 2016, she died, probably due to an abscess in her abdomen.

          Next litter. Born April 1, 1905. Father Sidi Sjeig Ch., Mother Geera. Breeder: Knoops. 41-

          41. Richa
          (small feather), bitch. Owner: Swart. Another owner in 1909: Tettenrode.
          42. Sultana

          (empress), bitch. Owner: squire Charles van Ufford. 1909 back to the breeder. He placed
          her with another owner (cannot read the name).
          43. Gefif

          (swift, quick), dog. Owner: Smit.
          44. Ali
          Dog. Owner: Luden van Heumen. In 1910 another owner: van den Boogaard. March 1911:

          45. Oesif
          (black man), dog. Owner: Luden van Heumen. 1909: dead.
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