Page 65 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW special edition
P. 65

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                   6 5

        228. Junoa                                          Imports
        Bitch, sand.
        Born: May 1921.                                     229. Zama du Simoun
        Breeder: Spruit.                                    Bitch. Born: August 25, 1925, in Paris.
        Owner: C.G. Eijgensteyn.                            Breeder: Madame Simeon and C. Delagrange.
        Father: Senoessi.                                   Owner: G.C.E. Camman and Jan Opten.

        Mother: unknown.                                    Father: Ch. Kebir du Peroy, Mother: Taїa.
                                                            September 6, 1926, another owner: J. v.d.
                                                            March 1927, died of kidney failure and


                                                                           Picture with man (no name of him, I
                                                                           think it is Mr. Schilt) from left to right:
                                                                           Zamé, Abdullah van de Lindenhof,
                                                                           Melik van de Lindenhof, Soedan van de

        230. Zamé du Simoun

        Bitch. Zama's littermate.
        Born August 18, 1925 (not sure which is the
        right date, 18 or 25).

        Owner: G.J. Schilt.
        December 26, 1927, was mated to Tafoe
        v.d. Dar es Sleq.
        February 25, 1928, gave birth to 4 dogs
        and 4 bitches.
        April 1928, another owner: Joh. J. Stoks.          Pups of Zamé: from left to right: Hesan, Abdullah, Melik.

        NB. Next to the puppy picture it is written Melik. And next to the other picture is Malik. On his own page (244) it
        is written Melik, on the picture itself, on that page, so I think by the breeder/owner: Melik is the right name.
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