Page 88 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW special edition
P. 88

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                   8 8

        279. Roumia
        (Christian), bitch, sand.
        Owner: breeder.
        280. Sydia

        (Arabic woman’s name), bitch, sand.
        Owner: breeder.
        281. Zahia

        (the cheerful one), bitch, sand.
        Owner: breeder.

        On this page the name Zohra is also mentionned, with an official NHSB registration. This

        registration I could not find in the official studbook of the Dutch Kennel Club. The name
        Zohra is mentioned in this official register, but with no number and different parents. So, I
        assume Zohra is not the same as Zahia.

        Next Litter. Born February 13, 1935. Father Caïd du Simoun (262), Mother Kinscem’s Benti

        (268). Breeder: G. de Haan. 282-285

        282. Askam
        Dog, sand. Owner: breeder.

        283. Arab
        (Arabian), bitch, sand.
        Owner: Dame G. Michiels – van Kessenich.

        284. Ariza
        Bitch, sand.
        Owner: P. Franken.
        285. Astrid

        Owner: G. de Haan.
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