Page 4 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 5
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Welcome to the 5th Special Issue of The August Le Gras gives us a description of
Sloughi Review. the Sloughi and how a perfect specimen
should look like and an account of
The focus here is on legends and the hunting and training for hunting with
tradition of henna markings of the Sloughis in North Africa (circa 1903).
Sloughi in North Africa as well as more
antique texts about the breed. P. A. Durel writes a passionate and
lengthy description of the breed Sloughi
Legends are tales embedded in a people’s in all of its aspects. At the time he was
psyche. It is telling that the Sloughi is honorary president of the Canine Society
included in legends from 3 countries of of the Department of Algiers and vice
origin (for Libya we don’t know) and with president of the Sloughi Club in Algeria
the Berber people. (1942).
Henna markings have various reasons and The third text, “My Sloeqi” is a humorous
a real importance. They are explained by yet sad story that shows that a Sloughi is
North African contributors. not a dog everyone can get along with
(1934). It needs real understanding.
In line with the practice of publishing old
texts in the Sloughi Review’s special As always heartfelt thanks to all
editions, there are three dating back to contributors and translators, without
the first half of the 20th century. whom the Sloughi Review would not exist.