Page 13 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 2 - Final Copy
P. 13
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 1 3
Kiln Bronze castings being welded together
The shells are kiln-fired to harden them What we see in our immediate
and burn away the waxes inside prior to environment can refresh, encourage, or
being filled with molten bronze (see above inspire, and can move our perception to
left). The cast sections are then welded another place, even if it is only felt at a
together and finished to their original form subconscious level. In the case of “The
and texture. Pursuit of a Distant Dream”, perhaps it will
provide substantiation that we must sight
When the clay forms are made permanent our goal and stay the course, no matter the
in bronze and accentuated with a shaded challenges.
tan patina, the Sloughi bronzes will be
ready to embark on journeys all over the
world. It is gratifying to hear from many
collectors of my works that the sculptures
contribute positively to everyday life in the
homes, gardens, and offices where they are
“The Pursuit of a Distant Dream” ©, alternate view.