P. 34

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                    3 4

        Reindeer are among the most northerly large mammals. They migrate up to 5,000
        kilometers across the Eurasian continent to escape the Arctic winter. Among other

        things, the industrial development of the pastureland in these areas has an impact on
        their survival.

        Reindeer are already depicted in cave drawings from the Stone Age. The use of the
        reindeer spread around 1,000 B.C. The model for this late domestication (?) was
        apparently provided by livestock farmers from peasant or cattle-breeding cultures who
        had advanced northwards. Until the 17th century, reindeer were only used sporadically;

        only afterwards did tax laws encourage the keeping of entire herds. The herds roam
        freely, people follow them.

                                Sami with lasso to catch individual reindeer, public domain

        Today, the northern peoples mostly lead semi-nomadic lives, only a few are still fully
        nomads. The reindeer are herded together at fixed times to mark the calves or slaughter

        selected animals. For this purpose, the reindeer are driven into prepared gates and
        caught out individually with a kind of lasso in this confined space.
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