Page 23 - Funeral brochure12.cdr
P. 23

tribute by


                                                                    Beloved  mother  Afua  Dadson,  you  were
                                                                    known  by  many  names  to  people  and  as
                                                                    ‘Sister’ to all your friends. You were also a
                                                                    mother  to  all  your  children's  friends.  Mom
                                                                    your heart and love was pure and can never
                                                                    be filled or replaced.

                                                                    My  earliest  memories  of  you,  Mom,  was
                                                                    when  we  were  in  Ghana.  You  were  a
                                                                    hairstylist then taking care of us when Dad
                                                                    was away. Since the day you brought me into
                                                                    this world, I've always seen you work very
                                                                    hard. When we moved to the States in 1996,
                                                                    you worked very hard in your profession as a
                                                                    Homecare Giver which took you to provide
                                                                    health needs to strangers. I know you were
                                                                    great at it, because all your patients and their
                                                                    families  became  fond  of  you,  loved  and
                                                                    appreciated your services and could never
                                                                    have enough of you. They all clamored for
                                                                    your services and raved about how amazing
                                                                    you were.  Mom, I want you to know that my
                                                                    siblings and I appreciate all the sacrifices you
                                                                    offered on our behalf and your support for
                                                                    Dad and we will forever be grateful to you.

                                                                    For as long as I can remember, I have always
                                                                    tried to show my Mom that I can take care of
                                                                    myself and not to worry so much about me,
                                                                    but  that  was  the  wrong  perspective  and
                                                                    approach  from  my  end,  because  she  is  a

      natural caretaker and no matter what I did, I'm always going to be her little boy. I'm always going to hold on
      to all the great fun and memories we had together, especially when I got married. My Mom was by my side
      in everything by providing funds and resources, time and planning as well. Likewise, I will never forget your
      motherly advice and our mother son dance.

      I am very grateful for your love towards the children and the family in the past two years including my wife. It
      was beautiful seeing you cherish and love my wife as if she was your own child. One thing I would have
      cherished was for our baby Isla to see and know the type of woman of strength you were and to have
      experienced the showers of love you would have heaved on her. Everyday, I think about the fact that she
      wouldn't be held in your arms and that hurts indeed. I realize it is now my responsibility to inform and impart
      your wisdom and characteristics you bestowed on me on her, to guide and direct her path in this world. I
      hope the world will continue to see the great woman you were in me.

                                              I will for ever love you Mom.

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