Page 10 - دليل مسابقة الملك عبدالعزيز 1446هـ
P. 10
Competition Categories:
Category main Category
First Memorization of the entire Qur’an in the seven authentic
Category recitations (al-Qira’at al-Sab’a) narrated through al-
Shatibiyya, both recitation and understanding with mastery
Second of recitation and oral performance.
Third Memorization of the entire Quran along with interpretation of
Category its terms in full.
Category Memorization of the entire Quran with proper recitation and
Category Memorization of 15 Juz (parts) of the Quran with proper rec-
itation and intonation.
Memorization of five Juz with correct recitation and intona-
tion (for participants from nonmember states of the Organi-
zation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
Awards for winners and contestants:
1. The top winners of each category shall receive cash reward as follows:
Category First Place Second Third fourth Fifth place
Place Place place -
First 500,000
450.000 400.000 -
Second 300,000 275.000 250.000 - -
Third 200.000 190.000 180.000 170.000 160.000
Fourth 150.000 140.000 130.000 120.000 110.000
Fifth 65.000 60.000 55.000 50.000 45.000
Total: SAR 4,000,000 000 (Four million Saudi Riyals)
2. Each contestant will be awarded a SR 5,000 cash reward
10 1446-2024