Page 10 - Toronto North Lifestyle March 2021
P. 10
Immigrating to Canada Just 2 Years Ago
Here’s our Story
At some point in your life, did you ever ask yourself,
“Am I in the right place ?”
Sometimes one can be lost in a parking lot, or even in the middle of downtown, but in our case, this question was about our entire life.
My wife Milena and I were born and raised in Brazil and we should have felt at home there. But for many different reasons, we came to the conclusion that we really did not fit, we just didn't feel like Brazilians.
So, we began a search that extended to a variety of different countries with an open immigration process, and we started to learn about Canada... it was love at first sight ! en over the next 5 years, we researched and learned everything we could about Canada, the history, culture, lifestyle, food, economy, politics, faiths/religions and the amazing wildlife and nature. After all, if we were going to make a move that would affect our entire life, we needed to be confident we were doing the right thing.
We made our first move. We hired and worked with an immigrant specialist. Finally, after many conversations and continuing research, we received exciting news from her. e government of Canada was actually looking for people in my profession-an experienced Art Director, to be part of the market. Wonderful news, eh ? With thrilled hearts, we began the long application process.
e application required a list of documents, examples of my experience as a professional, our diplomas, references, police and government checks, etc. is took several months to prepare and compile into a single package, plus one of the longest questionnaires we had ever completed !
We pored over the questionnaires for long hours, to make sure every word, every comma was is in the right place. We sent the package to Sydney, Nova Scotia, and without any feedback or sign, we patiently waited for
a year (yes, a year !) for the first feedback. Like every legal immigrant, we had a chance of not being approved. But, on my birthday, I received a response. Canada had approved us for the first phase of the process ! From knocking at the door to it being opened just a crack, we were given a process number, a deadline, and a new request for more documents and our plan for living in Canada.
After 2 lbs. of documents and a 25 page life plan document, we waited without any feedback for
1 the next 1- ⁄2 years. But this time was worse
because we had passed halfway through the process and already knew the Canadian anthem by heart !
You can't image how hard it is, waking up every day and asking yourself, is today is the day ? During the last days of November 2019, we received a communication: “After a cautious examination of your process, and with a belief you have the profile to thrive here, the government allows you and your wife to come to Canada as permanent residents.” What a day ! I remember seeing the email in my mailbox, and waiting
Continued on the Next Page
Anderson Magri and wife Milena holding their immigration papers