Page 1247 - Parts and Accessories Catalogue 2022-2023
P. 1247
PERMATEX® RETAINING COMPOUND (BEARING MOUNT FOR CLOSE FITS) Fast Curing Designed to bond non-threaded, cylindrical, metal assemblies by filling the voids between close-fitting metal parts. Hardens to create a solid, one piece assembly. Seal joints against leakage and prevents fretting & corrosion. Up to 3,000 psi holding power.
BLUE GEL THREADLOCKER ALL PURPOSE MEDIUM STRENGTH For fasteners 1/4" to 1". Locks and seals while preventing parts from loosening due to vibration and shock. Protects threads from corrosion. Temperature range: 54˚C to 150˚C ORDER NO. 814-24235 Mfr. No. 24235 Size: 35 gram
RED GEL THREADLOCKER ALL PURPOSE HIGH STRENGTH For fasteners 3/8" to 1". Recommended for parts that must withstand heavy vibration, shock or severe service. Locks and seals while preventing parts from loosening due to vibration and shock. Protects threads from corrosion. Temperature range: 54˚C to 150˚C ORDER NO. 814-27135 Mfr. No. 27135 Size: 35 gram
PERMATEX® PERMAPOXYTM 5 MIN. GENERAL PURPOSE EPOXY Fast setting epoxy in an easy to use 2-part dispensing syringe. Can be drilled, machined, filed & painted. Resists most liquids including fuels and solvents. Clear appearance. Sets in 5 minutes.Trim parts, knobs, cracked parts, fills cracks, ceramic, chrome, fabric, fiberglass, glass, hard plastic, metal and rubber. Permanent strength - up to 3400 psi. Temperture range -51°C to 82°C. ORDER NO. 814-84111 Mfr. No. 84111 Size: 25 mL
PERMATEX® ULTRA BLACK® RTV GASKET MAKER Sensor-safe & non-corrosive. Superior adhesion to oily surfaces. Superior resistance to powertrain fluids, transmission fluid, gear lube and coolants.
Temperture range -54°C to 260°C intermittent.
ORDER NO. 814-59813
Mfr. No. 59813 Size: 300 mL Cart ORDER NO. 814-59803 Mfr. No. 59803 Size: 80 mL Tube
PERMATEX® ULTRA BLUE® RTV GASKET MAKER Elimintes the need for pre-formed, pre-cut, paper, rubber or cork gaskets. Superior adhesion to oily surfaces. Superior resistance to powertrain fluids, transmission fluid, gear lube and coolants. Sensor-safe & non-corrosive.
Temperature range -54°C to 260°C intermittent. OEM specified. ORDER NO. 814-59603 Mfr. No. 59603 Size: 80 mL Tube
PERMATEX® AVIATION FORM-A-GASKET® Seals any paper, rubber, cork or composite gasket. Slow drying, non-hardening sealant. Resists gasoline, oil, anti-freeze & axle fluids. Temperature range -54°C to 200°C ORDER NO. 814-58931 Mfr. No. 58931 Size: 118ml
Temperature range -65˚ to 300°F.
ORDER NO. 814-60950
Size: 50 mL
Mfr. No. 60950
PERMATEX® LOW STRENGTH THREADLOCKER PURPLE Designed for fasteners under 1/4" (6mm) that require occasional adjustment. Removable with hand tools for easy assembly. Set screws, headlamp screws, carburetors, relay locks, throttle body assembly, choke assembly, fuel injection set scews, body panel mounting scews & any small screw assembly. Protects against corrosion & prevents vibration loosening.
ORDER NO. 814-24024
Size: 6 mL
Mfr. No. 24024
PERMATEX® REMOVABLE STRENGTH THREADLOCKER BLUE Valve cover bolts, oil pan bolts, water pump bolts, drive shaft bolts, rocker arm adjustment nuts, carburetor studs, & any similar threaded assembly. Protects against corrosion & prevents vibration loosening. Removable strength, general purpose threadlocker.
Mfr. No. 24200 Mfr. No. 24240
ORDER NO. 814-24200
Size: 6 mL
ORDER NO. 814-24240
Size: 36 mL
PERMATEX® PERMANENT STRENGTH THREADLOCKER RED Assembly with air tools, cylinder block bolts, ring gear bolts, transmission shaft bolts, shock absorber bolts, frame bolts & similar fasteners subject to higher shock & vibration. Protects against corrosion & prevents vibration loosening. Permanent high strength theadlocker ORDER NO. 814-26200 Size: 6 mL ORDER NO. 814-26240 Size: 36 mL
PERMATEX® HIGH TEMP/ HIGH STRENGTH THREADLOCKER RED Camsaft sprocket bolts, cranshaft bolts, Idler bearings, press fit filler tubes, input & out put shaft threads, ring gear bolts & shock bolts. Withstands temperatures up to 450°F. High temp/ high strength threadlocker for heavy duty applications.
ORDER NO. 814-27240 Mfr. No. 27240 Size: 36 mL
For more information see:
Mfr. No. 26200 Mfr. No. 26240