Page 1248 - Parts and Accessories Catalogue 2022-2023
P. 1248

PERMATEX® FORM-A-GASKET® NO. 1 SEALANT Thick, fast drying, hardening formula. For dressing cork, rubber, paper, & composite gaskets, sealing hose connections temperature range -54°C to 200°C. 1BR ORDER NO. 814-58912 Mfr. No. 58912 Size: 80 mL
PERMATEX® FORM-A-GASKET NO.2 SEALANT Thick, slow drying, non-hardening formula. For dressing cork, rubber & paper gaskets. Temperature range -54°C to 200°C. 2BR ORDER NO. 814-58922 Mfr. No. 58922 Size: 80 mL
PERMATEX® THE RIGHT STUFF® GASKET MAKER For Marine & Automotive gaskets, valve covers, gearbox covers, pumps, compressors, oil pans, themostat housings, water pumps etc. Temperature range -60°C to 260°C.
ORDER NO. 814-30874
Mfr. No. 30874 Size: 147 mL Cartridge
PERMATEX® ANAEROBIC FLANGE SEALANT For making and dressing gaskets of all shapes and sizes. Use on rigid-machined metal flanges. Provides a resilient seal that flexes with minor flange movements. ORDER NO. 814-51550 Mfr. No. 51550 Size: 50 mL
PERMATEX® SURFACE PREP® ACTIVATOR Any threadlocking, thread sealing & retaining application.Cleans & primes parts prior to assembly. Use in cold temperatures or where faster curing of Permatex® products is desired. ORDER NO. 814-24715 Mfr. No. 24163 Size: 127g
For more information see:
PERMATEX® PERMAPOXYTM 4 MIN. MULTI-METAL EPOXY Fills holes, mounts metal components, fills metal cracks, seals welded seams, aluminum, brass, chrome, copper, iron, stainless steel and steel. Permanent strength - up to 4500 psi. Resists most liquids including fuel & solvents. ORDER NO. 814-84119 Mfr. No. 84119 Size: 25 mL
PERMATEX® PERMAPOXYTM 5 MIN. PLASTIC WELD Bonds most plastic, interior trim, fills cracks, plastic to vinyl, ABS, acrylic, fiberglass, glass, PVC, steel, styrene, vinyl & wood. Permanent strength - up to 3500psi. Resists most liquids including fuel & solvents. ORDER NO. 814-84125 Mfr. No. 84125 Size: 25 mL
PERMATEX® GUMOUT BRAKE PARTS CLEANER Instantly penetrates, dissolves and flushes away contaminants from critical brake components. Non-chlorinated, leaves no residue, removes grease, oil, brake fluid, transmission fluid, hardened deposits, dust and other debris. PROFESSIONAL STRENGTH ORDER NO. 814-29233 Mfr. No.29233 Size: 390g
PERMATEX® HIGH PERFORMANCE THREAD SEALANT Prevents leaks due to extreme pressures, vibration and temperature cycles. Protects threads from rust corrosion and galling. Parts can be repositioned after assembly. Temperature range up to 150˚C (300˚F).
ORDER NO. 814-56550
Mfr. No. 56550 Size: 50 mL, White
PERMATEX® BLACK SILICONE ADHESIVE SEALANT Seal & waterproof electrical connections windshields, hatches, firewall openings heater boxes, vinyl tops, seams, weather stripping. Seals & bonds glass, metal, plastic, fabric & vinyl. Temperature range -62°C to 260°C. 16BR ORDER NO. 814-59203 Mfr. No. 59203 Size: 80 mL
PERMATEX® CLEAR SILICONE ADHESIVE SEALANT Seal & waterproof electrical connections, windshields, hatches, firewall openings, heater boxes, vinyl tops, seams, weather stripping. Seals & bonds glass, metal, plastic, fabric & vinyl. Temperature range -60°C to 204°C. 66B ORDER NO. 814-59103 Mfr. No.59103 Size: 80 mL

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