Page 2 - + Our Lady of the Cedars of Lebanon Church Bulletin
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Page Two Twelfth Sunday of Pentecost Page Three *****Parish Events***** August 13, 2023
*****Sunday’s message***** The Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary Pray For The Sick
Qurbono P. 425; Creed P. 748; Pre-Anaphora P. 749; Anaphora of the Twelve Apostles P. 754 The feast of the Dormition is a Holy Day of Obligation. Parishioners who are terminally ill, in hospice care or hav-
Mass is celebrated at 7:00 pm. You must fulfill you obliga- ing major surgery, are remembered in our prayers. David
The Faith of the Canaanite Woman (Matthew 15:21-28) tion by attending Mass and receiving the Eucharist. Hines, Genevieve Salemi, JoJo Salami.
Today’s Gospel emphasizes the fruits of the evangelical mission to the Gentiles through her absolute profession of faith
in Jesus. The Lord granted her wishes because of her great faith, cured her daughter immediately, and told her what The Dormition (Assumption) of Our Lady is a fairly recent THE SANCTUARY LAMP
he never told anyone else: “Great is your faith! Let it be done to you as you wish.” Catholic dogma although it is rooted in the early fourth Is a vigil light burning 24/7 and kept
century. This doctrine means that Mary is one with the near the Blessed Sacrament. The
Shifting his mission from the Jewish territories to the neighboring districts of Tyr and Sidon Jesus is inviting all nations risen Christ in the fullness of her personality or as it is light indicates the unfathomable mys-
to the Kingdom. Three attempts engaged Jesus in the case of the Ca- commonly said “Body and Soul.” Pope Pius XII solemnly tery of the Eucharistic presence of
naanite woman, but he ignored them. The first was when she came to proclaimed on November 1, 1950 “The Immaculate Mother Jesus. It reminds us of the reverence
Jesus pleading to drive out the demon from her possessed daughter. of God, Mary ever virgin, after her life on earth, was as- due to the Sacrament. The burning
sumed body and soul into heavenly glory.”
The second was when his disciples urged him to grant her wish and light is a pious custom as a way of
send her away so that she would stop being a nuisance to them. He As early as the fifth century, Christians celebrated a me- prolonging our adoration and prayer
ignored it saying: “My mission is only to the lost sheep of the house of morial of Mary patterned on the “birthday into heaven” of to honor His presence.
Israel.” The third was when he sternly told her: “It is not right to take the martyrs’ anniversaries. This primitive “Memorial of Mary,” Left Side: This week it will burn in Loving memory of John
food of the sons and daughters and throw to the dogs.” To call some- sometimes observed on August 15th, evolved into the Woodworth, by Carol Woodworth. Next week it will burn in
one a dog was a deadly and contemptuous insult. The only way one feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, which means the loving memory of Yvonne George, by Elizabeth Eblan.
can understand the threefold refusal of Jesus is to see it in the light of “falling asleep.” As early as the sixth century, homilies on
the following perspectives: (a) testing of the Canaanite woman’s faith; the Assumption appeared, which bring out the perfect con- Right Side: This week it will burn in loving memory of Lily
(b) pointing out that salvation first should come to the Jews, then to the formity of the Mother of Jesus with “her Son, the conqueror Salami Darling, by Camile Darling. Next week it will burn in
rest of the world; (c) telling his disciples to go and preach the Gospel to of sin and death.” An eighth century prayer, originally an loving memory of Elisabet & Boulos Boulos, by Randa
the entire pagan world after his death and resurrection; and (d) inviting announcement of a procession on August 15, has survived Yazbeck.
the Gentiles and the pagan world to share in the salvific Eucharistic Banquet. as an entrance prayer in both Eastern and Western litur- Weekend Lectors
gies (e.g., the Maronite Rite and the Carmelite Rite): “On
Aug 12 5:00 pm George Elkhoury
This Canaanite woman whose daughter was grievously afflicted heard of the wonderful things Jesus is doing in trans- this day the Holy Mother of God suffered temporal death, Aug 13 9:00 am Angelo Maroun
forming peoples lives, so she followed him and his disciples. Deep inside, he was moved with pity and compassion for but could not be held fast by the bonds of death, who gave Aug 13 11:00 am Carol Chebli
this woman, but he did not show his emotion publicly. Knowing that she is a Canaanite and a pagan who is looking for a birth to our Lord made flesh.” Aug 15 7:00 pm Mark Farah
miracle, puts him in a predicament. The Canaanites are the fiercest enemies of the Jews. Should he help her before The Parish Annual Event Aug 19 5:00 pm Joseph Chikhani
helping his own people? Should he do that publicly in front of his disciples? The best way was to show everyone how The Parish Hafli, celebrating the Feast of the Assumption, Aug 20 9:00 am Charles Sacre
much faith this non-Jewish woman had in Jesus. is scheduled for August 19th. It begins after the 5:00 pm Aug 20 11:00 am Kanaan Torbey
Mass and runs from 6:00 –11:00 pm. It will be on the par-
Everyone realized that in spite of the fact that she was ignored, refused and insulted, she persisted in her unwavering ish campus, just like last year, up on the patio, around the Sunday’s Collection August 06, 2023
faith and kept her trust in him. She did not take as insult what Jesus told her regarding the food of the Israelites being statue of Our Lady of the Cedars. Gabriel Adul Massih with Candles: $ 103
thrown to dogs. Instead, she responded respectfully: “Please, Lord, even the dogs eat the leavings that fall from their his great selection he will entertain us that evening. Sunday Collection: $ 1,447
masters’ tables.” She was humble, courageous, smart and quick to respond, which proved to Jesus that she has all the Transfiguration Collection: $ 469
qualification to earn his compassion, acceptance and willingness to make the miracle happen. Realizing that she has We will have Zaatar and Cheese on the Sajj, Falafel, Beef Religious Education
such a strong, unshakable and indomitable faith, he said to her: “Woman, great is your faith! Let it be done to you as & Chicken Shawarma on the skewer, Beverages & Re- Our catechetical team is looking forward to having a
you wish.” Jesus did not easily make such as statement to anyone. This Canaanite woman earned it through her strong freshments, Lebanese Sweets, and Raffle. fruitful and productive school year. Registration is
faith and her wish was granted. Since there will NOT be an entrance fee, any donation to open all throughout September, you may call Mrs.
the church will help defray the cost of the event. Please Randa Yazbeck at 781-493-2509 to register.
We relate to this gospel today by asking ourselves the following questions: Has the fruits of the mission to all nations make sure your checks are written to the Order of Our La-
reached me? Do I search for Jesus with determination and deep faith? Do I give up easily on Jesus? The Canaanite dy of the Cedars Church and sent to the parish address. Religious Education classes begin Saturday Sep-
woman was ignored on three occasions, she was also insulted, but she never gave up. How often have I walked away Your generosity and donations to help defray the cost of tember 16. Class time is: 10:00—12:30 pm.
from Jesus because what he asks me conflicts with my social way of life? How strong is my faith in him? How do I live the event are deeply appreciated.
my Christian commitment today, is it out of convenience or out of deep and strong conviction? The catechetical packet for the 2023-2024 school
We are looking for bakers who are willing to donate sweets year was already sent. If you have not received it
to this Parish Event. Nawal Torbey is in charge of the and would like one please call the Parish Office and
*****Qurboneh***** Sweet Table and will coordinate the entire Venue. For we will make sure you get it.
more details and information, call the Parish Office. If you wish to be a catechist or a volunteer to help
THIS WEEKEND INTENTIONS REQUESTED BY Thursday August 17, From 5:00 pm on, we will be setting with religious education, please let us know. New
up tables & chairs, the ticket booth etcetera…! We are catechists and teachers are always welcome.
5:00 PM Sat Aug 12 Personal Intentions Msgr. Georges El-Khalli looking for volunteers to give us a hand. Please call the
9:00 AM Sun Aug 13 Personal Intentions Msgr. Georges El-Khalli Parish Office if you can help. If you know of any new families who are looking for
religious education for their children, please have
11:00 AM Sun Aug 13 Personal Intentions Msgr. Georges El-Khalli them call the Parish Office.
7:00 PM Tue Aug 15 Parishioners of Our Lady of the Cedars Msgr. Georges El-Khalli MYO Retreat
Eparchial MYO Retreat is scheduled for October 27-29 If, however, you have moved out of the area, or if
NEXT WEEKEND INTENTIONS REQUESTED BY and will take place at America’s Keswick in Whiting, NJ. your children are beyond the 9th grade, and you no
It is for Grades 7-12 and the cost is $199.00 per person. longer wish to receive emails for Religious Educa-
5:00 PM Sat Aug 19 John Woodworth Carol Woodworth To register go to Regis- tion, please email us at your convenience so we
9:00 AM Sun Aug 20 Personal Intentions Msgr. Georges El-Khalli tration is open until September 22. For more details see may take your name out of the list. We apologize
11:00 AM Sun Aug 20 Personal Intentions Msgr. Georges El-Khalli the MYO flyer in the Church Vestibule. for any inconvenience.