Page 3 - June 2020 - Is it a good time or bad time to invest in property - Brochure Final
P. 3

S O   W H A T

              S H O U L D

              Y O U   D O ?

              The first thing to realise is that a recession is

              always coming.  Anyone who owns their home

              or invests in rental properties will weather any 

              number of recessions over many years.  For the

              past four years we have been frequently hearing

              that the sky will fall and that the market could

              crash at any moment. This could have easily

              paralysed us and stopped us from investing.

              However, it also would have stopped us and

              thousands of other investors from realising the

              amazing gains that are entirely tangible over

              this period.

                                         There are opportunities and deals to

                                         be had in every market.  Successful

                                         investors who know how to work a

                                         recession never sit on the side-lines,

                                         but rather know how to recognise

                                         those opportunities.
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