Page 2 - ITUK Press Cuttings March & April 2017
P. 2
Client: lsuzu Truck UK
Publication: TransportOperator'
lssue: April2017
lsuzu is more than small beer at St Austell Brewery
Four new lsuzu Forwardf N75.19O 7"$tonners:have been introduced
io the St Austell Brewery fleet as part:oJ a rollihg fleet replacernent
programind run:over.tfre pqst ihree years. Wrth tjre laiest additions'
there are now 20 lsuzu 7.$tonners in ihe fleet, with the combination
of a narrow footprlrrt'a*d 3,S-tonne payload'making them 'ideal'
for operaticn on the rulalrlanes of the south+vest.,Supplied by
locat dealer T Harvey, the trucks all 'have rnanLral gearboxeS.and
curtainsidsboCies,and witl remain on'thefl eetfor $ teil years.