Page 8 - ITUK Press Cuttings March & April 2017
P. 8


r}UBLIE                            EELA.TICIFdS

Look out for:


 The CV Show 2077 is showcasing a number of [eading trai[er
 manufacturers. For visitors to the show [ool<ing to improve [oad capacity
 and reduce costs, these exhibitors are presenting answers. Trailers across
 the hatts wi[tfeature technicalinnovation and new designs to not only
 save you money, but also improve your environmental performance

:l*r**l9lI                            There wit[ also be an Isuzu  lightweight composite Panels,
                                   parcel delivery van with        saving approximately 50%
Reflecting a record year in terms  6.4-metre aerodynamic body      conventionaI body pane[s. The
annuaI turnover and output         profi[e, matched to cab roof    carbon footpnnt of the vehicLe
voIume, the A[trincham-based       air deflector, and produced in  has been minimised r,vhile the
company wil[ be exhibiting on
its biggest-ever stand at the CV                                   paytoad capacrty has been
Show 2017. Five products wi[l be
on show, with a strong focus on                                    significantly increased. The
urban de[iveries.                                                  vehicle is fitted with a tai[ [ift and
                                                                   rotter shutter door.
   Among the products will be an
                                                                      0n show wil[ atso be a
1 1-metre tandem-axte Streetwise                                   13.6-metre straight frame twin
urban detivery concept traiter,                                    temp refrlgerated [ow-noise
featuri ng twin-temperature                                        trai[er. Designed to compiy with
refrigeration, side untoadi ng                                     PIEI( standards, it is fitted with
through doors on both sides,                                       a low noise fridge system and
and multi-function ramps for                                       inctudes a tait lift and pneumatic
pavement or road-teveI untoading.                                  shutter operation. The traiier
Rear loading is through the                                        atso features a suite of new
conventionaI insutated shutter at                                  atuminium atloy extrusions to
loading dock height.                                               improve durabitity, reduce tare
                                                                   weight and aid aerodynamics.
                                                                   Hatl 3 Stand 3A90

                                   Client: lsuzu Truck UK


                                   lssue: May 20!7
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