Page 112 - ITUK Press Cuttings 2017
P. 112

  :"i  .".'  ..   ;  .  -:  tt.  -.   I  .:..          f.::illi1lilf'1lii},.&
                   Qulcksearch                               Search  by rtshtch type        {ro,t{,  l|n&S* scf }vi*,

                \elicle type       t
                                                                       Eir                       *L

                                            TRP.ETOR       R;GiO5                     vl\N 5
                       ,Lt:..:',.::l          UNITS        .l  :1:.'i                 r i /,'ii)


              De;:lsr  ilerq/E                  {*;!f{,*  siri i}r'iii:lt l        l"-at**t $t*ck

             Fraat}ris*fl  deak$- iMepefti€ni  {latsrs  and axcl*o hs{$e$,,-  a$&t te{er nE*u$  yer  n€*{1.
             Rental. finaflm arid basing.,.  aS Bl€ $trthfl$  yor  ne€d to fep yq$ &sl  B{l the r*ad.
             8#y$h*Sr,  rehcE tslths s{S maiotename,,.  aS the altemafi(*t  ne1ri5  You  l}ced }B l(cep ytrlr
             fie*l rufinfig"

             \r'rew  ?ft r   s$rt ry  Balf {xe,,Aesl}  ?  !3jtS67..raxl'

                                  Hottot I?ansport takes slx Volvo FHs                           oAF tRl,Ct(SfA
                                  :*t{6r4rti  ils'!?  {  **g*r &*:nrr
                                  Sevoo-bas.{,  Hsttol Transp*rt  fta$ ta*en deltuery of sH Vc&fi6  F}t
                                  6)t2 tq axle reetor nrits  frs*fi Suads Truek aod &r$ tn EJt8&r.  E&F Lf *6.160
                                  Commerelal iilotsr dealer drop-ln:
                                  $canla dealerthlp Ytlest Pennlne
                                  Tfuclts                                                        OIF LF.lfi,l30
                                  :tli lrler*F  ;i*  ? I  i  ft*'.{*, Sr*:i.'fl
                                  $ftnia dqaEr lff€st Pen$ine  Trud$  had  a .ekdion  *f smatt trur*3
                                  at il$ tdkidtstan.  Grefitsr i,tancSB$ler  hranch  vhen $e d$il8d  lhi$
                                  'se€lq                g*Jt  srf,ar,{in*.
                                      ln(,,+dt{rs  a G4-plat? R4Sfi
                                                                                                 oAF CF t5,rf0
                                  TruckEast sdda e700,0$0 te*t faclltty
                                  to Essex slte

                                  ?* l$*..{ft l*xf  }  Hrq*r$*'*x                                !ii   -r   i:  -:!
                                  TrurlffaS  fiar epenfit a {7iS-SgS  aul*oriE{d  te$tiil0 f}€illty  {ATf}  I t.q 3aa:
                                  ifl w[lla{n.  Esssx" ihcturrioQ tilo apsr$w{ hrres w*n liln pfis,
                                  meanrng th€  loBgest lr*ek$  can  be $*{Yi0ed and tes}ed  sn lhc
                                  $affi* rquipffierd,
                                                                                                 p!*  se$[A?-
                                  AK Commerclals  supPllt$ Charles                               PEI'IBIH
                                  $aunders Food $ervlce tM{r t0 lrusu                            Dhsrllll...
                                  Forward riglds                                                 POt

                                  ?4 fdff{r.i }*}7 j  it+r;+r *r*r**                             r,6&rsrH
                                  DeakrAKCom$erciah  hc: suppl*t! CharB  Sffol$ers  F+sd         eltrTAlllTttLrFT
                                  Servlp  $r{11  1S &e-w l*l}Ir} F*twa&t 11-{o&ne  r{}ide.
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