Page 119 - ITUK Press Cuttings 2017
P. 119
Client: lsuzu Truck UK
Issue: May 2Ot7
YffiAffi CHffWN
The latest atrnital lsr-rzu Trlrck Pi:rls have cienronsirated the harcl 'rork anci
Deaier of the Year Alvard ltas beer] lvon comfiilntent Iieedeci io dellrer iire
bv Cordlvillits lsuztt Heatlrrow, wilh hlghest stanaiards ol llaris ciepartnreni
Comrnercta!.s from Newcasile prertorntance thal rs assocrate.j witfl tite
tipon -lyne iakrng the covetecj rLlnners uFl ITUK cjeaier nelwork," SaiO Peie ir/urphy.
slloi. Managirrr.l Director, lsLrztr TrLrck UK.
Thts vear's lir-raii was llelci Warwrck Pete arlcied: "This lraro earnecl ;,iiryarri
Racecoitrse arrci Cordwallis lsuzri recclgntses the vitai service :hat the llaris
Heaiirrow.uJas Iepresertted by Parts olleration l-lrovldes throLrgit or-ir ciealer
M:i|rager. Steve Wilsort, who receivetj net!4,/ork in delr,/er1ilg a iilghlv c|lsiomer
ihe anllttal troDhy lrom isrrzLr Trtrck UK locL;secl and revenle c;' ongoirrg hasis
Neiwclrk Paris Manager. Eriarr Tl'iorpe. throLtghorrt the year. rncliro;ng critela
Thonrson Contmerciais was represented slrch as hlghly competitive ancl overali
try tlrelr Parts l';1arr;rr;er. Aiarr Gere. parts lrLLrchas ng lrerfclrrn;lnce. stockiVOR
"orrr corigratiriatrons qo io the KPls, rliarket jng. national eind locai sales
srrCcr+ssirri ie.rm f rorn Corciwallis lsrrzrr campaign activity, orqanic growill ancj
Heathroiv led adnrirably b-v Steve. who Trr-rck Chailer,.ge irartlciJration ancl resulls."
Lett to right: Pete Muryhy,
Managing Director, ITUK,
Steve Wilson, Parts
Heathrow and Yuki Murata,
Chairman ol lsuzu Truck
4 May20t7 - (vdealer.couk