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                                      PLANT NE\AIS

                                                  NEWS  PRODUCIS  FEAIUS€S

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                                                                                    Featur.d video

                                     lsa*r Tr{}(t ul(3 ffiseagii}{  rtifeel$t Pe& Murpny  aft, il*{ih*  tshild
                                     f(*rB lsutu hlslgr$ Lt{ rersiw{  $rs  Fde$ttsbst  arva}d  ttol?r Tw's
                                     *dil+r rdatths{s  grsdne{sef   8t &$t menl*k *v $t$?/  et the }l€c i6

                                     ioeording  ta llr*  year's   par$t:  -tr  the eye* at th*  it  {r$trE
                                     p€{rsl  th& l*rlIs ts srcrytik€  eri} b*$in*st  Eee$s ttlEl i$ tos}itl$
                                     fof rob4$tnets  end eass *t affss; FlEs ths ar{fird"1+ififl*q $fik$
                                     a,{ *tlef s{hs fir*la&er $*fvic*  frosrarnfl€   '*ARE  ma&4$  !h*
                                     {HiaH Srfirter a  (&ar  ?r}lEt!e{ tff the sixi* st{*rsssi{ft  v€sr"

      Tre(e  \&a  Aflw{,  e $pefta$s!  trde  1,an }qagarh*  fdf $fiias  b$sifle$5  us*{&  srga*l!*d  thts  atintial  st\6rs$  prsgrq{ftm€
      ,rld l1!r *filr*es f,r*  iuQBd  not ooly  by ttw *rffift  peret  eai*ufn{li$is  at thc fi}a0Bt r€ brtt {tss by € **$rt st re#ers
      Bfts ffi*daq  $s*  qiH  {*mrflsrfi*l v*hirlhr  s*  part  sI tfteir bu$tB*$*s.
      Th€ 9017 Trade va* Ortuff irr*ard$ &*fi to glva  re@rftisfl  t* the n$rqfscturer*.  urgaBl$alBlne  a*d wlpk  sho"  ifl  Featured vidco
      $l* spsiisn  af tnt  Fd0ei,  t{fer lhe very be$ rs {Btait !*ysr$.

      Fsf  mnfe hf0rfnallm  *tr l${ilu clie& n*fe.

       S9,  f{i  ,   S"l.t in'.l P
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