Page 31 - ITUK Press Cuttings 2017
P. 31
Tn*rsFsR? ,ffiItr1*Yff n*'s
{artwrig}rt FI**t $truicss j*ins lsuru Tru*k d*aler i? "f*nuary *S1?
tsueu ??u*lr tJK *EE *xpe*#*# its #*al*r
netr#* $( vr*th th*, a p p* intne*t *f fi* r*#r*g trt
FI**t **nr**,*g, im Le*d*x ss * s&l**, r*ryi**
aft * p*rtx S**l*rel'lip.
"Tf?e app**ntm*r:t *f su*l'r er{ *xp,#ri*r:**d
pr*yi$sr , en$*r* that v,,e n:axir*ig* tfi*
p*t*rutiaif*r tfi* {sueu brand in *u** an
ir*p*r"l*nt ***#raph*c l**a{}*n. " $istes p*t*
fu?urpt'ry. rfiefia#lf?# Sir*et*r #t ls*aL, Trx*ic. UK,
*arftffi$i Fket $Bnr*e$* nfis inffitsd a "s$,en-&ure" *um S, *t$frrfts-sme $ile, frM cfsa&tg
ssm€ 3S nsr wilil an*|il*r 2$ffied m fte *usinffis delffibps.
Tft* ffim is ak* srendfrH ar*uttd f,*0$"ffi intrdue*ng an pn*sit* f;,TF {aut*cr&*l t*st$ng ffrffiy}.
Yh* crganisatiom nff ncw offer lsueub fuS range af ccmnnereiat y6**fle*, frfin S-S te I? tsrrrles, as
tln$ *e ffilrering uehkle servf;x* ftrsrtlmg lrsp*ethn$" M*"f$, repa*r arul mafft&*anffi, ar*d n*w
wnkile ds*rerkg,
Srian Tlnham
lsfitil Tfuc* {U}(} l-t{,
The CartwrEht Group