Page 2 - Hslo Raange
P. 2

          HALO 3                                                                    Colour Changing LED Strip                       Single Colour LED Strip
                            Regular Lamp

                                                  OR                                               OR
          Puts YOU in control.                     HALO 3 is a simple to install and use control system for your
                                                   lighting which allows control of multiple zones or scenes

                                 Receiver          It comprises of 3 key items:   Receiver                                         Receiver

                                                    1  A receiver unit which physically connects to your lighting
                                                    2  A controller; either handheld, wall-mounted or a smartphone App
                                                    3  A WiFi bridge which links everything to your smartphone

                                                   The beauty of the system is that it allows you to choose the control options
                                                   which suit you – they are all compatible with each other so you can pick
                                                   and choose from the range to build the right solution. So how does it work?

                                                   At the heart of HALO 3 is the receiver
                                                  OR  A compact unit which translates the control signals into actions for your
                                                   lighting. There are different types of receiver to suit different types of light:
                                                   Constant Voltage  Suitable for all types of low voltage LED Strip – single colour, RGB,
                                                   RGBW or Colour Temperature Adjustable
                                                   Constant Current  For constant current low voltage LED lamps (350ma or 700ma)
                                                   AC  Mains dimming for halogen or mains voltage LED Lamps
                               Smartphone App                                   Wall Touch Panel                                  Handheld Remote

                                 The HALO 3 receiver can be controlled in several ways

              Wall-Mounted Touch Panel –          Handheld Remote Control                Smartphone App
                rechargeable or wired

                  Wall switches and handheld remotes communicate directly with the receiver; Smartphone Apps need to use the WiFi Relay


           One controller can operate   Automatic repeating    Rechargeable Wall Switches   Control by Smartphone
              multiple receivers     The receivers have an auto   These neat touch panel   If WiFi relay is used then one
           HALO 3 features a simple   repeat feature meaning if you   switches require no wiring or   Smartphone can control all
          pairing system meaning you   have a long run of LED Strip   physical connection to the   receivers even if they are a
           can operate many different   that you wish to control, they   receivers. They are easy to   different types of lighting –
            receivers from the same   do not have to be physically   recharge using a standard   e.g. RGBW, single colour and
            device – it takes seconds   connected together as   mini USB charger – a phone   even digital addressable (SPI)
            to pair the units together   the signal will be repeated   charger is perfect. The charge   strip can be adjusted and
           and you can mix different   between linked units.   will last for approx 6 months.  programmed from the same
            types of receivers to the                                                       smartphone using the
          same controller meaning it’s                                                           free App.
          possible to create scenes with
           different types of lighting.
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