Page 171 - Yearbook 2018-2019 changes copy
P. 171

Kristine Aradanas

            G   Friday sleepovers at the dorm, Study dates, Starting &
                finishing the Naruto Series, Ordering food online for the
                first time, Making the ball team, Shooting  my first three.

            R   Always being hungry or always eating, Never staying
                still, Aggressive coughing, “The cheek thing”, Playing
                basketball, Laughing really loud.

            A   Kris-Kris, Kristen, Karadanas, Kris, Donuts, Chicken
                Wing, Ate Poutine, Kikay, Tin-Tin & Juicebox

                When people touch my cheeks, Sharing my food,
            D Being misunderstood, When people call me Mary when
                it’s Mary Kris.

            S   My Savior, Jesus Christ. My Family, GDAKFTD, Kuya
                BOBA, Kuya Kev, Filipino CantoMando, Naruto, Food
                sharers, Lunch table, (C.M,A.F,N.C,E.K,S.L,B.Q,J.W).

 Jovi-Ann Alexander                                                               Emerald Aubin

                                                                 G   Class trip, Dinner table, Aerials tours, grade 11/12 suite,
                                                                     grade 9 gym, mission trip

                                                                 R   Being Elgan’s sister; being ‘deezed’; “are you stupid are
                                                                     you dumb” Looking like toothless, Garfield, an Avatar
                                                                     and a hamster

                                                                 A Esmeralda, Emmy, Elgan

                                                                 D   Loud chewing bad table manners; bananas; being
                                                                     compared to others;

                                                                 S   Monicas, (DC, KA, BQ, EA, AN, KM) CF, NS, JD, VD,
                                                                     AE, NH, MS, FB, BM, JO, KK, Ms. Parkes
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