Page 38 - Observer December 2019
P. 38

The Struggle IS Real w/ Karol Brandt

                                                 Everything in Moderation, The Key to Happy and Healthy Holiday Season
                                   Picture yourself, you are at  your favorite holiday foods during that 20% , it will allow you  the obligations add to the strain, it adds to stress and can lead to
                                 the Thanksgiving/Christmas  the remaining 80% of the time to eat clean, instead of indulging  overeating and drinking but check yourself and don’t emotion­
                                 table. Your mouth is already  all of the time.                           ally consume­One way to do this is to ask for help with planning
                                 watering from smelling the  2. Eat only the Things you LOVE­Don’t fill your plate with the  and preparing Holiday meals, lighten your holiday schedule, learn
                                 Fried Turkey, Sweet Potato  food you LOVE and like, why not just eat the food you love and  to turn to people for comfort, instead of food or alcohol.
                                 Casserole, Dirty Rice Dress­  eliminate those other like extra calories.  10. Plan in Advance­My secret weapon, Eat before you go to a
                                  ing and your about to eat,  3. Sneak in more Veggies­My golden rule, fill up plate with as  Holiday gathering, hunger can undo the best intentions and will
                                  Sound Familiar?        much veggies first, as they contain a lot of fiber and nutrition.  power. Think about what really matters during this Holiday sea­
                                    Let me remind you again  This will help you get the nutrient value of your meal while at the  son, which is spending time with family, friends, co­workers and
                                  that yes, we love to gather  same time, helping you feel more full and satisfied.  plan accordingly.
                                  and yes, we have some of  4. Implement the 3 Bite Dessert Rule­the First bite, is so the Best,  Don’t let your Holiday turn into a free pass to eat now through
                                 the best food in the Word  and so is the last and every bite in between is the same, If you stick  New Year’s Day, Don’t Allow your holiday to turn into a Holi­
        down here along the Gulf Coast Region, so, our Struggle NOT to  to the 3 bite rule, you can focus on the full dessert experience and  Week or Holi­months, you don’t have to indulge every minute
        over indulge during the holidays is so real, and to put the icing  truly savor the flavor (ohhh The Struggle Is Real for this one)  for 3 months. Be mindful of what you are eating and enjoy your
        on the cake, yes, our Celebrations are always focused around food  5. Eat a Good Breakfast­Skipping your healthy breakfast will  indulgences but, all in Moderation. Don’t deprive yourself, bet be
        and eating.                                      leave you so very hungry and more tempted to over eat. So start  aware of content and calories, after all,  We have New Year’s Eve
          But, guess what Yall? We don’t need to deny ourselves of en­  your breakfast off with a filling breakfast, carbs & all!  to dress up for and who doesn’t’ want to look and feel their best
        joying all of the holiday foods we love, just moderate.  Yes, you  6. Keep Exercise on your plate­no matter what­We are all so  when the Ball Drops for 2020?
        heard me, Moderation, meaning be selective, eat ONLY the things  temped to nap after our Holiday Meals, but try to get up and walk  Wishing you a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season!
        you really love to eat during the holidays and leave the food you  it out. Also, add some extra cardio to your workout during the
        just “like” on the table.                        Holidays, even if you go 15 minutes longer on the Elliptical, it all  About: Karol Brandt is the author of “The Struggle Is Real: My Trans­
           Being Healthy does not mean you can’t have a piece of your  adds up, the cardio time of calories, lifting weights, catching an  formational Weight Loss Journey On Winning The Mental Battle Of
        boyfriends amazing fudge, or your co­workers amazing Banana  extra spin class, Keep Fitness on your Plate!  Weight Loss, Finding Your Why And Becoming The Best, Healthiest,
        Pudding, but it does mean eating your favorites in moderation not  7. Drink Up, Water that is and Limit your alcohol and holiday  Happiest Version Of You”
        over indulging on all.                           coffee drinks­Don’t drink your calories away, most of us can con­  Karol wrote The Struggle is Real and the 30 Day Evolve Challenge
         Here are my Top 10 Tips for staying Healthy with Moderation  sume up to an additional 300 calories per day from alcoholic or  Journal with Robby D’Angelo, who is from D’Iberville. Her story will
                        this holiday season:             holiday coffee drinks, try and alternate between cocktails and  encourage you to face your personal struggles, motivate you to create
        1. The 80/20 Rule goes into effect now­If 80% of the time you  drink more water, lots more to keep you hydrated, feeling full and  a plan and inspire you to become the healthiest version of yourself.
        feed your body whole foods, you eat clean, minimally processed  less calories to drink!             Recognizing that changing her mental thoughts was the way to fix
        food that are packed with nutrition, then, the other 20% of the  8. Practice Awareness­Be Conscious of what you eat and how  her body, Brandt set out to learn health and fitness from the ground up.
                                                                                                          She said she has become a very healthy, active person who wants to in­
        time it is OK for you to allow yourself to indulge, a Little. Being  much. Yes, allow yourself those favorite treats to indulge but in
        healthy is about Balance, not “depriving” yourself of enjoying the  moderate servings.            spire others through a simple set of guidelines, ridding the mind of
                                                                                                          negativity and transforming thought processes to overcome struggles
        holiday foods you love. And when you allow yourself to enjoy  9. Manage your Stress and Emotions­ Holiday Stress, all of
                                                                                                          with diet, food choices and exercise.

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