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and Barbara looked after the dogs and bred the      We re-joined many of the clubs where our
           occasional litter but we managed to squeeze in      membership had lapsed and were voted
           a few free weekends here and there which we         on to the Committee of the Birmingham &
           spent at Breed or General Champ shows with          Midland Counties.Bulldog Club. where Tony
                                            limited success    later became the Club Secretary from 1998 to
                                            until Barbara      2010 and Barbara later became its President
                                            purchased a        stepping down in 2019.Breeding and showing
                                            lovely bitch       had to take a back seat due to Tony’s heavy
                                            Broomwick          travelling commitments although we managed to
                                            Beatrix at         gain 2 RCC under Les Cotton and Zena Thorn
                                            Sutus from         Andrews with our homebred bitch Rita - Sutus
                                            John and           Zillion Kisses.
                                            Dorothy Jones,
                                            who was            In 1999 Tony accepted early retirement which
                                            rarely beaten      allowed him to Judge the breed at CC level not
                                            in her class       only in the UK but also in Australia, Belgium,
                                            and quickly        Bulgaria, Brazil, Cyprus, The Czech Republic,
           became a Champion winning the Utility group         Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary,
           under Valerie Yates at the SKC in March 1986.       Italy, Norway, Portugal, The Russian Federation,
                                                               Sicily, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland and The
           Due to Tony’s job in the mid 1980’s a work          USA. Tony has served three year consecutive
           related opportunity allowed us to move to the       terms on The Bulldog Breed Council Education,
           USA and together with 10 Bulldogs, a Peke and       Judging and Health committees and was elected
           a Lhasa Apso we settled on a ten acre plot in       Chairman in 2016, served a 3 Year term and
           Ottsville Pennsylvania. We joined local Bulldog     stepped down in May 2019.
           Clubs and attended as many shows as Tony’s
           busy schedule allowed. He was now Manager           We still have 6
           of International with a New Jersey based            bulldogs, the
           Multinational Corporation and was globe trotting    oldest Louis is
           for the rest of his working life. Due to company    10 Years old in
           acquisitions and work related opportunities, we     October and the
           elected to return to the UK in 1992 together with   youngest Penelope
           ten Bulldogs a Lhasa Apso and a cat.                is just over 2 years
                                                               old with the others
                                    Sutus Zillion Kisses       in between. Our
                                      at Windsor in 2001       Hobby has made
                                                               us many friends               Louis &
                                                               worldwide who                Penelope
                                                               share our love for
                                                               this breed which
                                                               we have cherished
                                                               and we continue
                                                               to contribute as
                                                               much as we can to
                                                               improve it.

                                                               Tony & Barbara

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