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Breed Club

   W                                                           also serving on the committee. We also have a
                  e are a club based in the south of
                  England founded in 1946. We are a
                                                               hard working committee willing to change jobs
                  friendly club having a very friendly
                                                               They are Julie James, Pam Freeman, Nigel
                  working committee who work very hard         and learning all the rolls taken by the committee.
           at every show. We welcome new comers and            Hunter, Oscar Yuen, Sarah Henley. Our latest
           regular show goers alike. We have two shows         recruit Mr Dave Tanner joined us after the sad
           a year, an open one in February and one in          sudden loss of our treasurer Mrs Lynn Manns
           September, rotated every other year with our        of the well know Lynmans affix. Lynn served
           championship show. We had our 70th year             as secretary for over thirty years only stepping
           celebration in 2018. We have long standing          down from the roll three years ago maintaining
           president and chairman Mr Roy fox who along         the treasury. She will be sadly missed by us
           with his wife Stephanie are our longest serving     all, we will be having a memorial show in her
           members, followed by three generations of           memory in February 2021.
           one family being our Vice President / Vice
           Chairwoman Linda Stutter, daughter, Kelly Wells
           our secretary, and granddaughter Roni Wells-
           Stutter who is our chief steward, our treasurer
           is Mrs Kerry Burchell. Our show manager is Mr
           Steven Padwick with his wife Mandy Padwick

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