Page 28 - K9 News - Issue 14 - December 2020
P. 28

And The



           Episode Three

                        in ‘The Weird World Chronicles’

                                                                                   by Mike John

           There is nothing like a sustained period of         I have always been, now there is an underlying
           weirdness to bring out the true nature of people!   current of perplexity twinned with disbelief. And
                                                               there are more and more frequent occasions
           Let’s face it, there are those that rise to the
                                                               when I tilt my head slightly to one side, frown
           challenges of a situation, and there are those
                                                               and then, after a short period of contemplation
           that will take advantage of a situation.
                                                               regarding whatever it is I’m reading/seeing/
           I don’t know if it’s a symptom of getting old…….    hearing, say things like “Really?” and “Are you
           or should I say getting older……or if it’s down      sure?” or “That can’t possibly be right!” or, to
           to this weird world we find ourselves in, but       quote another balding, grumpy old man, “I don’t
           my tolerance levels have dropped in direct          believe it!”
           proportion, one could even say in parallel, to my
                                                               Ever since I was young (yeah, yeah, I’ve heard
           patience levels! That point at which there’s a
                                                               all the jokes already) I’ve had an unwavering
           little snapping noise in my brain has moved a lot
                                                               belief in human nature, and that goodness
           further away from the cerebral lobe that controls
                                                               would always prevail. I subscribed to the “Give
           the handshake, to a lot nearer the one that
                                                               Everyone A Break” association, the “Everyone
           induces a head-butt.
                                                               Deserves A Second Chance” school of thought,
           And while I’m still outwardly the same old easy-    and the “Surely He Must Have At Least One
           going, difficult-to-rattle, let-sleeping-dogs-lie,   Redeeming Factor” brigade.
           cheerful (some might say irritating) sort of chap
                                                               But my unwavering belief has wavered of late.

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