Page 6 - REVISTA
P. 6

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End ,  Horizon: Zero

                                                   Dawn, Marvel's Spider-Man,

                                    God of War , Gran Turismo Sport, Killzone:

                                                                 Shadow Falls

                                                   SUNSET OVERDRIVE , QUANTUM

                                                   BREAK , SEA OF THIEVES , ORI AND

                                                   THE BLIND FOREST , HALO 5:

                                                   GUARDIANS, GEARS OF WAR 4 ,

                                                   TITANFALL , HALO WARS 2

                                                   ,Cuphead, Gears 5

                                                       The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

                                                       Super Mario Odyssey

                                                       Pokémon Espada y Escudo

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