Page 14 - Housing
P. 14
● Part8:alsoasksaboutmedicalconditionsordisabilities.Ifyou have any medical needs, medical reports and consultant letters are very important. You will also have to fill out a separate ‘medical needs assessment’ form.
● Part9:Asks‘Basisforapplication’,i.e.whyyouareapplyingto that council for housing support.
- If you live in the area, tick ‘Household is normally resident in the local authority area’.
- If you are working, in education, or have family living in the council’s area, tick ‘Household has a local connection with the local authority area’, and explain in more detail in the box.
- If you have no local connection but want to try the CCMA (section 2.1), tick ‘The local authority should consider the application for social housing support for the following reason(s)’.
Explain why you want to move to the area (work/job opportunities) and ‘quote’ The CCMA paper (Section 2.1). Unfortunately, there is no guarantee this will work, but we can also try to support you, and recommend you contact any other support services you use in Dublin.
● Part9:Asksifyouareonanothersocialhousinglist.Tickno. Remember, you can only apply to one social housing list.
● Part9:Asksyour‘Areasofchoice’.Youcanchooseupto3areas of where you would accept an offer of a council house. Council housing lists are very long. People can wait 10+ years on a council house.