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community’s support for the
library has been overwhelming.
Many other residents have
contributed to the cause by
donating their book collections
to the society, enriching
the library’s offerings and
strengthening its bond with
the community. It’s important
to note that the journey of the
Askari IV Library is far from
over. It continues to grow day
by day, fueled by the innovative Step inside, and you’ll be greeted community. These engaging
ideas and unwavering support of by an ambiance that is both sessions not only provide an
its founders and fellow residents. captivating and serene, thanks outlet for artistic expression but
With each passing day, the to the creative touch of Ms. also foster a sense of community
The Inspiring Stor y of Askari IV library becomes not just a place of Sana. Her vibrant interior decor and belonging among the
The Inspiring Story of Askari IV
has transformed the space into
younger generation.
knowledge, but a symbol of unity,
a heaven of tranquility, inviting
collaboration, and the collective
The Askari IV Library is
Librar y spirit of the community. In visitors to immerse themselves more than just a repository of
books; it is a testament to the
a bid to embrace the modern
in the world of literature and
era and cater to the evolving
power of community spirit and
knowledge. played a pivotal role
needs of the community, the
neighbors come together to share
it is today – a cornerstone of the
library introduced workstations in shaping the library into what collaboration. It is a place where
with internet facilities. This community. knowledge, exchange ideas, and
In a bustling neighborhood of of individuals like Mr. Rana were instrumental in realizing technological integration not Moreover, Ms. Sana’s forge meaningful connections.
Askari IV, amidst the daily hustle Hafiz, Agha Sahab, Maj General the dream of a dedicated space only enhances access to digital contributions don’t end there. As it continues to evolve and
and bustle, lies a sanctuary Imtinan Babar, and Lt Col for learning and exploration resources but also ensures that Recognizing the importance grow, the library remains a
of knowledge and community Tauheed (Retd) ADH Askari within the community. the library remains relevant and of nurturing creativity from symbol of hope, inspiration, and
spirit – the Askari IV Library. IV. The journey of the library Lt Col Tauheed (Retd) ADH accessible in today’s digital age. a young age, she generously unity within the community,
What started as a simple idea began in a humble guard’s room, Askari IV emerged as a driving However, the library’s appeal volunteers her time to conduct embodying the true essence of
among residents has evolved into where Agha Sahab’s generous force behind the project, extends beyond its extensive workshops on arts and crafts what it means to build a better
a beacon of inspiration, thanks donation of basic furniture channeling his efforts and collection and modern amenities. for the small children of the future, one page at a time.
to the unwavering dedication and books from his personal resources to bring the state-of-
collection laid the foundation for the-art landmark to fruition. His
something remarkable. It was a commitment to the cause played
small gesture with monumental a pivotal role in shaping the
implications, sparking a library into what it is today – a
chain reaction of goodwill cornerstone of the community.
and community involvement. With passion and perseverance,
This seed of an idea soon caught the team worked tirelessly to
the attention of Maj General curate a collection of over 8000
Imtinan Babar, DG Housing books, covering a wide array
Directorate, who recognized of subjects to cater for readers
its potential and spearheaded of all ages and interests. From
the transformation of the space children’s literature to academic
into a proper library building. resources, from religious texts
The building stands as an to fiction, the library offers
architectural marvel, its facade something for everyone, fostering
inviting and welcoming to all who a culture of lifelong learning
pass by. His vision and leadership and intellectual curiosity. The
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