Page 1 - FINAL SWATHYA Health Journal Vo1 Issue1 April 1st 2020
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I salute them all!      Affordable Health care:        Vitamin D3           All is not doom or gloom
              Covid-19: The medical fraternity is   Is this doable?  Beating Coronavirus with Vitamin   Flattening the COVID-19
              braving the enemy round-the-clock,                   D3 - a simple solution is hiding in   Curve in Kerala
              at the cost of their own safety and                          plain sight            A Success story so far
                  great personal sacrifice.
                                  14                                                           16                                                         26                                                     24

             Promoting affordable access to healthcare for all                      Volume:  1 I Issue 1 I  APRIL 2020

           Every year, over 13 million children under the age of 5 dies from

              illness which could have been avoided or treated


                                                                                   GLOBAL PANDEMIC
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