Page 14 - FINAL SWATHYA Health Journal Vo1 Issue1 April 1st 2020
P. 14


            COVID-19:  The  medical fraternity is
            braving the enemy round-the-clock, at the cost

            of their own safety and great personal sacrifice.
            I salute them all!

            Dr KK Aggarwal
            Recipient of Padma Shri
            President CMAAO & Heart Care Foundation of India
            Past President Indian Medical Association

                he  world is  experiencing  a public  health crisis  of  the  Covid-19 patients are being managed in India: Covid Care
            Tmagnitude never experienced by the modern world since  Centres (for mild or suspect cases), Covid Health  Centres
            the Spanish Flu during the First World War. There is a global  (for moderate infection) and Dedicated Covid Hospitals (for
            pandemic  of  the  new  coronavirus  disease.  Covid-19  was  critically ill persons).
            first reported as a “cluster of pneumonia cases of unknown   There  are  well-demarcated  areas  for  confirmed  and
            cause” in Wuhan, China on 31st December, 2019. Since then,  suspect cases in each hospital so that they do not mix; the
            it  has rampaged through continents  and today more than  entry and exit are kept separate as far as possible. All the
            200 countries are in the grip of the disease. There are now  three hospitals are linked to the surveillance team under the
            almost 2.5 million cases globally (20.4.20) and this number  Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP). Standard
            continues to rise every day at an alarming pace. The global  precautions - hand hygiene, use of personal protective
            death toll has crossed 150,000 (20.4.20). There is no sign  equipment (PPE) - face masks (N95  or surgical),  gloves,
            yet that the pandemic is flattening or leveling off. The United  gowns, goggles - for their personal safety and strict infection
            States has overtaken China, which was the epicenter of the  prevention and control practices are strictly adhered to.
            pandemic and now tops  the list of  countries  with highest   All cases are kept in isolation and treated symptomatically
            number of total cases including total deaths.         until the test results are available.
                India reported its first case of corona virus disease on   The  Indian Council of  Medical  Research  (ICMR), the
            30th  January  this  year.  As  on  20th  April,  India  has  14255  apex health research body of India, has revised its testing
            active cases; 2841 persons have been cured or discharged  strategy since the outbreak first came to light. Initially, “only
            and  559 deaths have been  reported, as per data  from the  close contacts of laboratory-confirmed Covid-19 cases, who
            Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.  develop respiratory  symptoms  within 14  days  of  home
            The state of Maharashtra has the highest number of cases  quarantine  or those with  a  history of travel  to Covid-19
            followed by the states of Delhi, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and  affected countries within the last 14 days  and who develop
            Madhya Pradesh.                                       respiratory symptoms within 14 days of home quarantine”
                At the time of  writing this, India has extended  its  were tested.
            lockdown (implemented  from 24th  March  midnight) till   But  now, all  symptomatic persons  with travel history,
            17th May with the intent to break the chain of transmission.    symptomatic persons in contact with laboratory confirmed
                The  Health Ministry has issued  guidelines on the  Covid-positive cases, patients with severe acute respiratory
            management of Covid-19, including testing strategy, which  illness (fever, cough and/or shortness  of breath) and
            are  applicable  to  government  and  private  hospitals  both.  symptomatic health care workers are tested for Covid-19. All
            All Covid-19 cases in India are being managed as per these  asymptomatic direct and high-risk contacts of a confirmed
            guidelines.                                           case are also tested once between day 5 and day 14 of coming
                It  is  mandatory  for  “all  hospitals  (Government  and  in contact with a Covid-positive patient.
            Private), Medical officers in Government health institutions   “In  hotspots  and  clusters  and  in  large  migration
            and registered Private Medical Practitioners including  gatherings/  evacuees  centres,  all  persons  with  influenza-
            AYUSH Practitioners, to notify such person(s) with COVID-19  like illness (fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, headache,
            affected person to the  concerned district surveillance unit.”  malaise) are tested with reverse transcription polymerase
            All practitioners are also required to get “the self-declaration  chain reaction (RT-PCR) if within 7 days of illness or antibody
            forms (enclosed), who, within their knowledge, are having  test if after 7 days of illness (If negative, to be confirmed by
            travel history  of COVID-19  affected countries  as per the  rRT-PCR).”
            extant guidelines and are falling under the case definition of   Some hospitals have set up makeshift  walk-in Fever
            COVID-19 (Suspect/Case).”                             Clinics  outside  the  main  hospital  building  for  triaging.
                Triage is the first step in managing Covid-19 patients or  Persons  with fever  and/or symptoms  like cough, runny
            persons suspected of having Covid-19.                 nose, sore throat are screened here to identify suspect cases,
                Being a resource-poor country, India is following acuity-  which are then referred to the appropriate Covid dedicated
            based triaging for  its Covid-19 cases, which  ensures that  facility depending on the severity of the infection.
            patients get the desired level of care with optimum utilization   •   Mild or very  mild cases  or  suspect cases  are
            of  resources.  Being  mindful  of  this,  three  categories  of   managed at the COVID Care Centers set up in hostels,
            dedicated  Covid  hospitals  have  been  defined  under  which   hotels,  schools,  etc.  They  are  connected  to  one  or
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