Page 17 - FOP BlueNote 2017 May June Issue East FINAL
P. 17

The Forgotten Ones

                               By Greg Brown – State Sergeant at Arms

   Too often I read articles   is able to return to full off the road. I located the      veteran and a good cop, I
about our brothers and sis-                                                               was very active outside of
ters giving their lives in     duty, then it may make the unoccupied vehicle in           my work. I really enjoyed
the performance of their                                                                  playing sports and it al-
duties and it still saddens    local news and he or she front of a residence and          most killed me that I was
me every time I see it. We                                                                not going to be able to do
show our respect by wear-      will be celebrated as they before I knew it the sus-       those things. The most
ing the black mourning                                                                    devastating thought was
band over the badge and        return to the job. How- pect ran out of the house          never being able to run
we honor them with a po-                                                                  with my kids again or play
lice officer’s funeral         ever, there is another and started shooting in my          with them in the sameway
where hundreds come                                                                       I always had.
from miles around to pay       group of officers who fall direction. Although I was
their respects to the fam-                                                                   When it became clear
ily, to the department and     into the category I call wearing my vest a bullet          that I would never return
to the fallen officer. Dur-                                                               to the streets, I began
ing National Police Week,      “The Forgotten Ones.”  entered below it and shat-          talking with my captain
held annually in May in                                                                   about the future. I wanted
Washington, the names of       I call them that because tered the base of my spine.       to work in our Detective
those heroes are forever                                                                  Division for a while until
memorialized in granite,       that is the category that I I was told I was not going     I knew for sure I would
becoming a permanent                                                                      never work as an officer
part of the law enforce-       fall into, and I know from to make it and if I did I       again. I was not ready to
ment history. Any police                                                                  give up. I will never
officer giving his or her      personal experience what would never walk again,           forget the words she said
life in the line of duty is                                                               and how she said them.
the bravest thing anyone       it is like to feel “forgot- but ten days later I walked
can do. They leave behind                                                                    When I asked the cap-
wives, husbands, partners,     ten.” Too often these of- out of the hospital. Before      tain about working in the
children and parents and                                                                  Detective Division, she
they make that sacrifice       ficers have given years, I go any further I must give      said "there is nothing they
without thinking twice.                                                                   have for you that you can
                               even decades, to their re- my wife Shannon all the         do, the only thing we have
   But what happens to all                                                                for you is retirement.” I
those other officers we        spective police depart- credit in the world. She           thought to myself, “I gave
read about who are cata-                                                                  ten years of my life to this
strophically injured in the    ments, their communities, was an absolute rockwhen         department and this city
line of duty but who sur-                                                                 and that is all she can say
vive? We often hear about      and their government I was shot. At the time we            to me?” People who knew
the gunfight or ambush                                                                    me would know that I
they were in, the terrible     agencies but are forced to had a 4 year old and a two      would not take that very
crash they survived, the                                                                  well. I have always stood
heart attack they suffered     medically retire after an month old, and she was           up for the younger officers
and then that is all we hear.                                                             and if I thought something
If the officer recovers and    injury. It is not something able to keep everything        was not right, I was not

                               any of us likes to think going while I was in the                        Continued on P. 19

                               about, but look through hospital. When they say

                               my eyes for a few minutes behind every good cop is

                               and let me show you how an even better wife, hus-

                               it feels to be forced out of band or partner, believe it!

                               the profession we all love Over the next 6 months

                               so much and what you can I went to physical therapy

                               do to still be a part of this and endured multiple ex-

                               great profession.      tensive surgeries to fix my

                               On Sept. 9, 2005 my nerves but nothing seemed

                               life and my career changed to help. As a result I was

                               forever. I will be brief but left with “drop foot” and

                               if you would like to read would need the assistance

                               the entire story get the of a brace for the rest of

                               book True Blue II by Lt. my life. The doctor said I

                               Randy Sutton (ret.) and was not going to be ableto

                               turn to the chapter titled run again and the strength

                               “Another Beautiful Day.” in my back was basically

                               I was on duty and an- gone. That was devastat-

                               swered a call about a man ing news for me to hear.

                               with a gun running people Besides being a ten year

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