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North Carolina        BlueNote Information                             Chaplain’s Corner
Fraternal Order of Police    and Submission Dates
                                                                             Within the past couple of years I have
    1500 Walnut Street       By Terry Mangum – Executive Editor           traveled across the country to areas of civil
      Cary, NC 27511                                                      unrest involving law enforcement and line of
                               We hope you have been enjoying             duty deaths. I have witnessed firsthand the
     (O) 800-628-8062      and sharing the BlueNote with your             impact this is having on officers and their
     (F) 919-461-4958      family and co-workers. I feel we are           families. The families are turning on the news
                           producing a beneficial and timely              and seeing protests and interviews from peo-
             Email         newsletter which is made possible by           ple that are spreading hatred and threats to-        our members who are contributing ar-           ward law enforcement. Police officers’ hours
                           ticles and photographs. I would like to        have been extended because they have to
           Web Site        encourage everyone to submit articles          work protests to protect the city and commu-        of your Lodge’s activities. We need            nity from violence and destruction. It takes
                           your articles.                                 officers away from their families and getting
             President                                                    the rest they need to do their jobs well. The
          Randy Hagler         This is your publication so help us        children and spouses do not want their mom  make it better by contributing articles,       or dad, and husband or wife to go to work be-
                           photographs, and suggestions for im-           cause of the danger and fear they may not
 Immediate Past President  provement. All Lodges have elections           come home.
         Terry Mangum      and other activities throughout the
                           year which would be great material for             I received a call from one of our Durham   a BlueNote submission. When sub-               FOP executive board members about an of-
                           mitting photographs, please select one         ficer whose children were being harassed at
         Vice President    or two of your best and if possible send       school. The children are facing verbal abuse
         Robert Gaddy      the names of the individuals in the pic-       from classmates saying that “police are bad     ture. Please begin now preparing for           and they kill people.” I am certain this is not
                           the May/June 2017 issue and let us             a local problem, nor just a North Carolina
             Secretary     hear from you and your Lodge.                  problem, but rather a nationwide issue that
          Lynn Wilson                                                     needs to be brought out into the light and         Please e-mail your articles and            dealt with.
                           photos to my e-mail address Terry-
            Treasurer by the due                    I believe we need to try to alleviate the
            Ron Wyatt      date.                                          hurt and emotional stress for the children as                                                    well as spouses of law enforcement officers
                               Below are the remaining Article            by addressing these issues with their com-
      2nd Vice President   Submission Due Dates for 2017. Clip            mand staffs and developing peer support
         Chuck Kimble      these Dates Out For Future Refer-              groups within the departments. In addition,
                           ence. Please understand that you can           department chaplains, counselors and area     always send your articles well before          churches could help provide support to our
                           the due date for the upcoming issue of         law enforcement families.
       Sergeant-At-Arms    the BlueNote. Getting articles early
           Greg Brown      keeps me from being overrun with ar-              Let us not forget Romans 13:1, “Let every
                           ticles at the last minute which I must         person be subject to the governing authori-   prepare for the Editor                         ties. For there is no authority except from
                                                                          God, and those that exist have been instituted
             Chaplain          Article Submission Due Dates for 2017:     by God.” God wants us to be successful in
          Phil Wiggins         May/June issue: Due by April 14, 2017      our work, to bring about good, and protect the        July/August issue: Due by June 16, 2017     weak and poor by carrying out justice in a
                           September/October issue: Due by Aug. 18, 2017  way that will honor Him.
        National Trustee   November/December issue: Due by Oct. 20, 2017
        Dennis McCrary                                                    God Bless,        As always, I am here to serve you           Phil Wiggins
                                                                          NC State FOP Chaplain
  Chariperson of Trustees  and our membership. If I may be of as-         Cell: 919-451-2801
            Chet Effler    sistance to you, or if you have any
                           questions or concerns, please contact   me.

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