Page 23 - FOP BlueNote 2017 September October Issue EAST
P. 23

Local Lodge News                                                TRIVIA
                                                         We have a winner!!!
  Surry County
     Lodge 24                           Reginald Fountain of Durham County Lodge 2 is the winner of the July/August
    America's                            BlueNote TRIVIA contest. He correctly identified the two individuals in the
                                        photograph as President Donald Trump and FOP President Chuck Canterbury.
 National Night
        Out                              So to recap, the correct TRIVIA answer for the photograph from the July/Au-
                                         gust issue of the BlueNote is U.S. President Donald Trump and FOP National
      Surry County Lodge 24 Secre-      President Chuck Canterbury. We had many responses, mostly correct, but one
   tary/Treasurer Steve Hiatt and Vice   incorrect answer which made me chuckle was President Trump and Phil Wig-
                                          gins. Thank you to everyone who submitted answers to the Trivia question.
  President/State Trustee Bob Hodge
   represented Lodge 24 at the Na-      If you did not win the contest this time, do not give up. Keep submitting your
  tional Night Out in downtown Pi-          answers and send them in quickly and maybe you too can be a BlueNote
  lot Mountain on August 1, 2017.                                TRIVIA winner like Reggie Fountain.
   This event was hosted by the Pi-
  lot Mountain Police Department,        Now here is your chance to compete in an exciting round of
    with attendance by the Mount                                    BlueNote TRIVIA.
  Airy Police Department, the State
   ALE and Wildlife Law Enforce-        Put on your thinking caps. Can you identify the three individuals in this photo?
   ment, the Surry County Sheriff's
   Office, and local emergency re-


                                        Hint: This is not a group portrait of the Three Musketeers nor a Foster Grant
                                                                        sunglasses commercial.

                                                If you can identify these three individuals, send an email to terry-
                                with your answer along with the name and number of

                                           the Lodge you belong to. The Trivia answer will be posted in the Novem-
                                        ber/December issue of the BlueNote along with the name of the first individual

                                                                      submitting the correct answer.

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