Page 15 - FINAL EAST FOP BlueNote 2017 July August
P. 15

National Convention… Continued from P. 13                                    TRIVIA
                                                                     We have a winner!!!
Amendment 8: This amendment would weigh the vote of
National Trustees at any meeting based on the number of      Randy Hagler, NC State President and member of Char-
delegates seated from that Trustee's state at the previous        lotte-Mecklenburg Lodge 9, is the winner of the

   National Conference. Currently each Trustee has one        May/June BlueNote TRIVIA contest. Randy correctly
vote but this change would allow States with large mem-      identified the young lady with the red nose as Cleveland
 berships to exert much more control over actions of the
Board of Directors. Proposed by Delaware State Lodge.               County Lodge 18 President Gwen Carothers.

   As you can see some of these amendments will be            So to recap, the correct TRIVIA answer for the photo-
very controversial at the conference. Please discuss with    graph from the May/June issue of the BlueNote is Gwen
your members and make certain any delegates you have         Carothers. I have been unable to uncover “the rest of the
attending the conference know their wishes.                   story” behind the red nose. Thank you to everyone who

   Like many others, I attended several Law Enforce-                  submitted answers to the Trivia question.
ment Memorial services during Police Week. Lodge 9
Auxiliary did an excellent job with a service in Charlotte   If you did not win the contest this time, do not give up.
at Sharon Memorial Park. The State Memorial Service in       Keep submitting your answers and send them in quickly
Gaston County was also an excellent service. The final        and maybe you too can be a TRIVIA winner like Presi-
one I attended was the National Service in Washington.
The comments by President Trump and Vice-President                                  dent Randy Hagler.
Pence were the most supportive comments I have ever
heard at the numerous Washington services I have at-           Now here is your chance to compete in an
tended. The President may have many controversial is-             exciting round of BlueNote TRIVIA.
sues he deals with but his total support for law enforce-
ment officers has been unwavering.                           Now here is your chance to compete in an exciting round
                                                               of BlueNote TRIVIA. A very special “Thank You” to
   There are other issues I could discuss but I have taken    Chaplain Phil Wiggins for submitting the photo for our
up enough room in this issue of the BlueNote. Please do                               Trivia Contest.
not hesitate to contact me if I can be assistance to you or
your lodge.

                                                             Put on your thinking caps. Can you identify the two in-
                                                                        dividuals in the center of this photo?

                                                                              Hint: They are not dancing.

                                                             If you can identify these two individuals, send an email
                                                              to with your answer along
                                                             with the name and number of the Lodge you belong to.
                                                             The Trivia answer will be posted in the September/Octo-
                                                               ber issue of the BlueNote along with the name of the

                                                                   first individual submitting the correct answer.                                                15
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