Page 11 - West BlueNote March April 2018
P. 11

Upcoming Events

                                                         By Terry Mangum- Immediate Past President

   I hope all of my Fraternal Order of Police Brothers and Sisters across the great State of North Carolina are doing
well. March and April are usually busy months for the State Lodge and this year will be no exception.

   Our State Board of Directors meeting will be held during March 23 thru 25 at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel in
Atlantic Beach. Meeting reports from the Executive Board members, Committee Chairpersons, and State Trustees are
due in the State Office no later than March 12 by 4:00 p.m. These reports will be included in the meeting booklets
which will be distributed at the State Trustees meeting on March 23.

   The FOP Southern States Association meeting will be held during April 5 thru 8 at the          Terry Mangum
Little Rock Marriott in Little Rock, Arkansas. Last year the Southern States Association
meeting was held in Georgia and next year it will be in Tennessee.                             Immediate Past President

   The following week, on April 11 thru 15, the National State Presidents meeting and Na-
tional Board of Directors meeting will be held in Seattle, Washington. This meeting will be
held at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel. Randy Hagler will be reporting as Chairman of the
Legislative Committee, Dennis McCrary will be reporting as Chairman of the Disaster Relief
Committee, and I will be reporting as Chairman of the Constitution and By-laws Committee.

   May is always a busy month as well with Local Lodge, State Lodge, and National Lodge
Peace Officers Memorial services. More on these memorial services in the next issue of the

    If I may be of assistance to you, or if you have any questions or concerns, please do not
hesitate to contact me. As always, I am here to serve you and our membership.

                  Information from the Secretary’s Desk
                                                        By Lynn Wilson – State Secretary

Hello Brothers and Sisters,                                        I encourage all Lodges and members to continue work-
                                                                ing on getting your area attorneys on board with the Na-
Can you believe it has already been over two months             tional Legal Defense Plan. You do not want to be scram-
                                                                bling for an attorney after an incident has occurred. The at-
since the Christmas holiday? I hope everyone had a safe and     torneys should go to the Grand Lodge web site,
                                                      , click on the Legal Defense tab, or go to
happy Christmas.                                       to start the process of getting signed up.
                                                                Just in case you have looked, as of the middle of February,
We have now headed into another season. It is now that          Sedgwick was still behind on updating the website with the
                                                                names of the newly approved attorneys.
time of year for Lodges to start getting your compliance
                                                                   As a reminder, the NCFOP Legal Defense Plan still han-
items in order. The 2017 minutes are due now. Please send       dles all legal for Affiliate members and Administrative only
                                                                for Active members. The National Legal Defense Plan
your 2017 Lodge Minutes to your assigned committee              takes care of Critical Incidents and Civil cases for Active
                                                                members. Potential Critical Incident and Civil claims must
member and to Constitution and By-laws Chairman Carl            be reported to Sedgwick Claims Management services.
                                                                Please submit your claim using the Claim Reporting Form.
Pope at It is also getting very         Sedgwick will review the claim then communicate with you
                                                                and your chosen attorney. For immediate needs with Criti-
close to tax time, so be sure to send in a copy of your         cal Incidents, get your chosen attorney on scene as usual.
Lodge’s 2017 tax filings/IRS 990 form. Send this directly       Then, in the next day or two, contact Sedgwick. Do Not
                                                                wait. Even if you are not sure whether you will need an
to the State Lodge Office.                                      attorney for your case, you should contact Sedgwick and
                                                                speak with someone, so they will be aware of your situa-
This August is our State Biennial Conference which is           tion.

                             being held in Charlotte. In order
                             for your lodge’s State Trustee

                             and delegates to be able to vote,

                             or if you plan to run for one of

                             the elected State Executive
                             Board positions, your Lodge’s

                             compliance must be up to date.

                             For those Lodges that owe

                             per-capita for the second half of

                             2018, those checks are due in

Lynn Wilson                  the State Lodge by April 15.

State Secretary

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