Page 25 - West BlueNote March April 2018
P. 25

TRIVIA                                               Fraternal Order of
               We have a winner!!!
                                                                             Police Auxiliary
Durham County Lodge 2 President Mike Evans is the winner of the Janu-
 ary/February BlueNote TRIVIA contest. He correctly identified the two       By Ally Michalec – NC FOP Auxiliary National
  individuals enjoying cigars as State President Randy Hagler and Surry                              Trustee

                  County Lodge 24 State Trustee Bob Hodge.                     The FOP Auxiliary. For most of you,
                                                                           the first thing that comes to mind is raffle
So to recap, the correct TRIVIA answer for the photograph from the Janu-   tickets! Yes, we do sell a lot of raffle
   ary/February issue of the BlueNote is Randy Hagler and Bob Hodge.       tickets, but we are so much more!

If you have not won a TRIVIA contest yet, do not give up. Keep submit-         First, a bit about the Auxiliary. We are
 ting your answers and send them in quickly and maybe you too can be a     not just for the wives. The Auxiliary is
                                                                           open to the families of FOP members
                  BlueNote TRIVIA winner like Mike Evans.                  over the age of 18. We are sisters, broth-
***********************************************************                ers, cousins, children, parents, In-Laws
                                                                           and even husbands. We are not a social
Now here is your chance to compete in an exciting round                    club any more than the FOP is. The issues
                       of BlueNote TRIVIA.                                 that concern you concern us. Who better
                                                                           to support you and the FOP than those
  Put on your thinking caps. Can you identify the two individuals in this  that love you?
                                                                               On the local level, the Auxiliary can
      If you can identify these two individuals, send an email to terry-   be used to help enhance the FOP in the with your answer along with the name and num-         way that will benefit your lodge best. It
 ber of the Lodge you belong to. The Trivia answer will be posted in the   could be helping with lodge events or
May/June issue of the BlueNote along with the name of the first individ-   hosting events for the families (Easter
                                                                           egg hunts, fall festivals or Cookies with
                        ual submitting the correct answer.                 Santa). We can help with government
                                                                           campaigns, sending cards to the sick and
                                                                           helping to honor those who have fallen as
                                                                           well as many other things. It is a great
                                                                           way to get your family involved!

                                                                               The State Auxiliary is the overseer of
                                                                           the local Auxiliary. We make sure that
                                                                           things are run the way they should be in
                                                                           concordance of the Constitution and By-
                                                                           laws and keeping the aim of the organiza-
                                                                           tion true.

                                                                               The State Auxiliary has been under
                                                                           new leadership since the last conference
                                                                           in Asheville. Feel free to ask us about the
                                                                           big things that we have in store! We
                                                                           would love to share with you or even bet-
                                                                           ter, attend your FOP meeting to answer
                                                                           questions that your membership might
                                                                           have about starting your own Auxiliary.
                                                                           And we might even sell you a raffle
                                                                           ticket… or two!

                                                                                            Contact us at:
                                                                      or 704-905-7406.                                                              25
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