Page 13 - FOP BlueNote 2017 May June Issue WEST FINAL
P. 13

Message from the President
                                         By Randy Hagler

Greetings to my Brothers and Sisters.        both bills during his report and a great     This bill was introduced by Representa-
The North Carolina Fraternal Order of        deal of discussion followed.                 tive Dr. Gregory Murphy of Pitt County
Police held our Spring Board of Direc-                                                    and we also appreciate his support.
tors Meeting in Lexington at the Rich-          Senate Bill 199 “Law Enforcement
ard Childress Vineyards on March 17-         Officer Retirement/25 Years,” is the            After a great deal of discussion a
19, 2017. Davidson County Lodge 97           bill that gained the most support of our     motion was made and passed to support
hosted the meeting and they did an out-      Board of Directors. NCFOP has fought         SB 199 as the preferred retirement bill
standing job of making our Board of          for many years for a 25 year retirement      of the two introduced. Of the two bills
Directors comfortable while we were in       for our members with an unreduced re-        introduced, SB 199 is the closest bill to
Davidson County. Needless to say, the        tirement benefit. SB 199 is very close       what our members and officers now
Richard Childress Vineyards was a            to that but an officer’s retirement would    have at 30 years and would be the pre-
beautiful location to hold our business      be slightly reduced due to the number        ferred option for a 25 year retirement.
meeting.                                     of years’ service dropping from 30 to
                                             25. However, the officer would still re-        The early reports from Raleigh seem
   Our Spring Board meeting is always        ceive the Special Separation Allowance       to be that HB 284 is looked upon more
a busy one with many agenda items to         for five additional years, again, it would   favorably than SB 199 and may have a
be discussed, such as the budget, legis-     be slightly lower based on 25 years ra-      better opportunity to pass. The obvious
lative priorities, legal aid update and is-  ther than 30. All and all it is a good bill  reason is that while HB 284 allows
sues, local lodge constitution and by-       and one NCFOP strongly supports.             members and officers to retire after 25
laws amendments, and other matters.          This bill was introduced by Senator Bill     years of service, it also allows munici-
Thankfully, with only a few minor ad-        Cook of Dare County and we truly ap-         palities to not offer the special separa-
justments the proposed 2017-2018             preciate his support.                        tion allowance for those who have not
budget passed and is now set for the up-                                                  reached 30 years of service. It also re-
coming fiscal year. We heard reports            House Bill 284 “25-Year LEO Re-           duces slightly the retirement benefit for
from all of our State Lodge Officers         tirement Option was introduced by            members and officers who may have
about issues/concerns they have been         Representative Dr. Greg Murphy from          started their law enforcement career a
involved with since our last meeting in      Pitt County and is similar to Sen Cook’s     little later and are between the ages of
August 2016. We also honored one of          bill but with some clear differences.        50-55 with 15 years of service.
our own during this meeting by recog-        Rep. Murphy’s bill would reduce by 1/3
nizing Corporal Daniel Battjes who is        of 1% per month for each month prior            While the North Carolina Fraternal
the recipient of our “2017 Officer of the    to age 55 if the officer retires between     Order of Police fully supports SB 199,
Year” award. Corporal Daniel Battjes         the ages 50-55 with 15 years’ service.       we clearly understand that for some
works for the Winston-Salem Police           HB 284 does not allow officers to col-       members and officers HB 284 could
Department and is a member of Win-           lect their Special Separation allowance      also be a good option. This is clearly a
ston-Salem/Forsyth County FOP Lodge          if they retire after 25 years credible ser-  personal decision that each member and
8. He was present for the presentation       vice. The bill does provide the State or     officer should make for themselves.
of the plaque recognizing him as our         local government employer to offer a
Officer of the Year.                         payout to the employee for retiring             I would also like to add that the
                                             early but the payout cannot be greater       North Carolina Fraternal Order of Po-
   Since our Board of Directors Meet-        than the amount the employee would           lice is grateful to both Senator Cook
ing I have received many phone calls         have collected if they stayed the full 30    and Representative Dr. Murphy for the
and emails from members across the           years. Again, this is allowed but not re-    introduction of both bills and what they
State asking where the North Carolina        quired and many believe it would be          offer our law enforcement officers
FOP stood on the two 25 year retire-         very hard to collect. Under HB 284 if        across the state. We look forward to
ment bills which have been introduced        an officer stays the full 30 years then      working with both gentlemen in the fu-
in the North Carolina Legislature. Dur-      they would receive the special separa-       ture.
ing our Board of Directors Meeting our       tion allowance just as they do now.
Legislative Agent Jeff Gray reported on                                                      Stay safe and let me know if there is
                                                                                          anything I can do or the NCFOP can do
                                                                                          to assist you or your Lodge.

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