Page 10 - FOP BlueNote Vol III issue xxii Nov Dec 2016i ALL
P. 10

Secretary Notes                                          North Carolina FOP Foundation

                 Continued from P. 6                                  By Terry Mangum – Foundation President

   We know that we all have busy schedules. We             The NC FOP Foundation sent a monetary donation to
have to prioritize the items in our lives – family,     the Louisiana FOP Foundation to assist in the relief of our
work, church, sports, other organizations, etc. But     Brothers and Sisters who were devastated by the recent
my priorities are not necessarily the same as yours     flooding in southern Louisiana.
or the next person. The internet/social media is a
great partner so use it to your advantage to contact       During our Fall Board of Directors meeting in Ashe-
and inform your members. The State Lodge has sev-       ville and in the September/October issue of the BlueNote,
eral avenues for you to use.                            I announced that the North Carolina Fraternal Order of Po-
  Web site –                             lice Foundation, Inc., will be offering scholarships to eli-
  Facebook – North Carolina Fraternal Order of         gible applicants for the academic year 2017-2018. The
                                                        Foundation desperately needs your assistance to iden-
     Police@NorthcarolinaFraternalOrderOfPolice         tify and solicit eligible applicants. Please assist us by
  Twitter – @NCFOP1                                    checking in your County and surrounding Counties for in-
  Instagram – ncfop                                    dividuals who may be eligible for one of our scholarships.

  A new members only FOP app                              During the 2016 State Fall Board of Directors meeting
                                                        the Foundation provided a hard copy of the scholarship
  And of course the BlueNote                           applications and information to each North Carolina State
   You can set up a group email and forward infor-      Trustee in attendance and asked the Trustees to take this
                                                        material back to their individual Lodges. Please help us
mation to everyone in your lodge at one time. Use       identify individuals in your area who may benefit from
the others to toot your own horn, post information,     an NCFOP Foundation scholarship.
or post photos. Let everyone know about all of the
positive things your Lodge is doing. The initial           The primary purpose of the North Carolina Fraternal
setup may take a little time but it will be time well   Order of Police Foundation, Inc., is to exist as a benevolent
spent. With all the bad press law enforcement re-       foundation for the purpose of assisting children and
ceives from the media we need to publicize the good     spouses of North Carolina law enforcement officers killed
things we are accomplishing.                            or permanently disabled while in the line of duty with the
                                                        expenses of higher education. The Foundation provides
   Now for some Secretary information – you must        scholarships to enable eligible recipients to complete their
remember to inform your Lodge Secretary of any          post-secondary educational studies, including both aca-
changes in your personal information. Your Local,       demic and vocational training.
State, and Grand Lodges must be kept up to date
with changes of names, address, phone numbers,             The awarding of scholarships is determined by the
email address, marital status, and especially benefi-   NCFOP Foundation, Inc., Board of Directors.
ciaries. A couple of consequences of not keeping        Please contact any of the Foundation Board of Directors if
your Secretary updated – you do not receive your        you have any questions, need a scholarship application, or
dues notice so you do not get your dues paid and you    locate an individual who may be eligible to apply.
get suspended. If you are suspended, you have no
benefits. Another example and one that we have had      NCFOP Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors
at my Local Lodge on more than one occasion, the        President Terry Mangum - Lodge 2 – terry-
member did not keep the beneficiary information up
to date. Our application/information sheets have the    Vice President Ron Wyatt - Lodge 10 – Ltronwy-
beneficiary information on them and that is what we
go by when a death benefit is sent to the State Lodge.  Secretary Gunnar Matthews – Lodge 68 – bang-
We have given death benefit checks to ex-spouses
and the current spouse received nothing. Please         Treasurer Marty Wilson - Lodge 1 –
make sure all of your information is current. 
                                                        2nd Vice President Greg Brown - Lodge 46 –
   Thank you again for electing me as your State
Secretary. Feel free to contact me if you have any
questions or concerns.

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