Page 3 - 2021-2022 Clay Co. 4-H Family Guide
P. 3

4-H is the  youth development                            With so many 4-H projects and activities
          organization of the Texas A&M AgriLife                   available, many new members do not
          Extension Service.  Our purpose is to                    understand the overall process. We hope
          provide young people the opportunity to                  that this will be a quick reference guide
          learn and develop life skills through                    for you to use and make your 4-H
          hands on   learning experiences.  Young                  experience more enjoyable.
          people are OUR future, so we want to
          make every effort to extend the wealth of                4-H Is A Family Affair.   4-H members
          knowledge and learning experiences                       select various projects with help of their
          available through the Land Grant                         parents and Extension Staff.  The parents,
           University System. AgriLife Extension is                project leaders, and County Extension
          part of the Texas A&M University System                  Agents then advise, counsel, and assist the
          with cooperation of local Commissioner                   4-H member in taking care of,
          Courts.                                                  constructing, or being involved in the
          The 4-H Program has opportunities to
          offer all youth including both urban and                  We look forward to your participation in
          rural communities.  4-H members                          the Clay County 4-H program.
          participate in many activities which can
          include everything from aerospace to
          showing livestock.

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