Page 68 - PWS Words 2021 (2)
P. 68
WITHOUT WATER OUR LIFE They don’t have cloths to wear,
And nobody cares,
In the world, They don’t know how to study,
What thing all living things depended on, And people think they are ruddy.
You tell that one thing all depended on which also control clouds They ask for money,
made from it only, When it’s sunny,
And everyone in the world wants it, They move here and there,
Than tell the answer that, And nobody cares.
It is water, wind, plants but tell that which one is important for all,
All things or anyone of us, Krish Karyani
I think all are important but, MYP -2
It very important thing is water,
Water is not there than,
We all die and Plants too,
Important thing in our life is gone than, An Earth’s Way To Live
Is water and oxygen they are the important things our life work,
But all are elements are important but, This is an earths way to live.
They are the most important in life because, The sun the water, the trees, and the shiny grass blades.
Other elements did not mean for us than because, The ice, the animals and civilization.
We die than earth is empty there was not live than, Is key to what an Earth’s way to live is.
SHUBH BINDAL There will be terror and destruction,
MYP-2 But an Earth’s way to live will live for eternities.
Even if it’s torn apart and hurt so badly.
Poverty This will always be an Earth’s way to live
I hate poverty, Earth has done us a favour, for bringing us a joyful world,
Because people get thirsty, And we just vanquish it until we suffer our fate.
Let us help restore the favour earth once gave us,
No water no food,
WORDS 2020 -21 It breaks a man, Anand Jaydip WORDS 2020 -21
This is an Earth’s way to live
Poor just get blued.
Because he does not know when it began,
They don’t get work,
They act like a jerk,
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