Page 81 - PWS Words 2021
P. 81

Earth is Changing  The World is Dying from Hunger

 Action is needed,  The world is finishing just by not having food,
 Action is to be performed,   And some people fail to understand,
 Our Earth is dying, and we are going down with it.  Where people barely have a piece to eat,
        Some restaurants waste food every day,
 People are as dead as a doornail,   We should put our best foot forward and act.
 Plants and trees are cut,
 Forests are shedding,  More than half of the world sleep hungry,
 And contamination is everywhere  On the other hand, tons of food items,
        are thrown at weddings.
 Earth is turning into a desert,  If one person can take action, he can help a hundred people.
 No water,  Imagine all of us not wasting food and helping them,
 No fresh air,   Let’s put our best foot forward and take this action.
 No plants,
 No seasons,  Harsh Yadav
 No food   MYP-2

 All the natural resources are going to be dead,
 Then, when there will be no sunlight, no water, no greenery, no   I Was Stuck at Home
 air left,
 Don’t moan our mother Earth is no more left.   We were stuck at home,
        We had nowhere to roam.
 To save it,   Without my friends all alone
 Banners shall be raised,  Sitting on my bed all on my own.
 People shall raise their voice,   stuck, with my sister with no plans,
 The government should come together,   All-day on the same apps.
 And so shall people make their decisions  We had to study day and night,
        Wishing we had gone on a flight.

 WORDS  2020 -21  Take it or lose it,   Misha Singh          WORDS  2020 -21
 You have a chance to get what you are about to lose,
 Or you are gone.

 Samaira Agarwal

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