Page 3 - PWS Words 2021
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“You use your words carefully to uplift & inspire” Foreword
– Robin Roberts
I am very excited to present to you the 15th Edition of Words!
‘Words’ is celebrating its Crystal Anniversary and on this momen-
‘Words’ is an ensemble of poems and artwork by Students of tous occasion, I wish to congratulate the Middle School Student
MYP at PWS & has been a tradition for many years. Through this and Team Words.
annual Publication of expression of writing and art, Students pick
up Themes prevalent at the times during the year. This year our What a journey it has been! Each year I see exceptional art work
Students have explored their creativity in Sustainable Develop- and some profound pieces of poems written by our budding Art-
ment Goals. Their poems are concentrated around these Goals, ists and Poets. Over these 15 years, with the coming of newer gen-
along with their learning experiences through interactions with erations, of course, the writing style has changed and the thoughts
Students across the globe during this year of the pandemic. The have become varied, but some things have remained constant:
pieces of creative writing in this year’s Publications have enabled Passion and desire to express!
Students to globally collaborate, while promoting Global Citizen-
ship, to uplift & inspire Students & adults around the world during This year, the Student work revolves around the United Nations’
these low-spirited times. The objectives of the SDG’s also aid in Sustainable Development Goals.
grooming sensitive, responsible & compassionate world citizens.
Here, in this edition, Students of Middle School make an attempt,
in their own way, to advocate the cause of a better and more
sustainable future for all. The Artwork speaks volumes about their
I hope you will enjoy the collection as much as the Students inner-lying emotions, waiting to be vented out.
enjoyed creating it!
Come, let’s flip through the virtual pages of…Words!
Sonya Ghandy Mehta
School Director
Monika Bajaj
Principal, Middle School
WORDS 2020 -21 WORDS 2020 -21
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