Page 99 - PWS Words 2021
P. 99
I Never Saw Pollution
If Boys Can Do Tt Why Can’t Girls Do It Too?
I never saw pollution,
If a boy plays a sport Until I woke up that day.
He is given unconditional support, That dewy winter morning,
If a girl plays a sport I thought the air was okay
She can hear a bunch of snorts, But soon a realization
But If a boy can do it a girl can do it too! Came around my way,
That the dewy morning
A boy gets 200 Was nothing but fumes of everyday.
A girl gets a 100 I had to do something
Is this really fair? For the beautiful mornings to stay.
When they do the same share So, I promised to do my share
If a boy get 200 a girl should get the same Of planting seeds and trees everywhere.
If a boy can do it a girl can do it too! Then I can see the world around me,
So fresh, so clean
The only difference And the same winter morning
Is the chromosomes luck, Will be beautiful once again.
Yet it cheated out the girl on her buck,
Countless nights spent on presentation Jaanya Sobti
Yet her ideas are put on a limitation MYP -2
If a boy can do it a girl can do it too
A girl should wear an appropriate dress,
A boy can wear anything else,
She always has to cover up,
While boy can pretty much open
If a boy can do it a girl can do it too
WORDS 2020 -21 MYP -2 WORDS 2020 -21
Geet Manocha
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